Page 11 of Back Then

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Booker:Fair enough.

Macie:Well? Go on then.

Booker:The summer before you were starting high school, do you remember that?

Macie:I remember everything. You don’t need to keep asking me.

Booker:I was so excited that we’d be in the same school together again, but I was also terrified. I knew all the boys were going to be into you. How could they not be? You were beautiful and so fucking wild. But you were mine.

Macie:That was the summer you asked me to be your girlfriend.

Booker:I had to make it official, put it in terms all those other scoundrels would understand. You were more than my girlfriend, though. You were my heart. My soul. You were the air that I breathed, and every song I heard.

Macie:You took me out to that field behind the school, the one that fills with wildflowers every spring. I was picking a bouquet for your momma and you were trailing behind me, all weird and quiet. I didn’t know what had gotten into you.

Booker:I was so nervous.


Booker:I was afraid you’d say no.

Macie:I was yours from that first strawberry, I was waiting on you to figure it out.

Booker:I remember that white sundress you were wearing. The way your hair was dancing around us in the breeze. I can close my eyes and I’m right back there in that moment with you. The smell of those flowers, the feel of the sun on our skin. The sound of your giggles after I asked you. It’s one of my purest, happiest memories.

Macie:I went to kiss you on the cheek again. You turned at the last moment and I pecked your lips instead. I was shocked. But then you took my hand and pulled me back in, kissing me again.

Booker:It was so innocent, but damn if I didn’t feel that kiss all over my damn body. I never wanted to rush you. I knew we had all the time in the world. But I wanted you so fucking bad.

Macie:Was that the beginning of the end?

Booker:No, baby.

Macie:I have to go.

Booker:You may not believe me, but I never intended for there to be an end to us. There wasn’t one future I imagined for myself that didn’t include you.

2nd Letter

Macie Girl,

Boot camp was as grueling as they make it seem in movies. It’s cliché, but hard. I made it though. I packed on some muscle, and I’ve made a few friends. We’re all homesick. All learning to be away from our families for the first time. Away from the people we love.

I shouldn’t complain. Not in your letters. I can picture you, that little frown on your beautiful face. Annoyed I chose this without talking to you about it. And then complaining about my choices when you never even had one.

I know you, baby. I know your heart. I know your mind. And I know every inch of your perfect body. God, I miss you. Every part of you. I know none of this is easy on you.

I talked to McCall. He told me how heartbroken you were. Don’t be mad at him for not giving you the answers you’re after. Please. He’s your best friend, but he’s my cousin. He loves us both, and it’s killing him to keep my secrets right now.

I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry I left without saying good-bye or telling you why. It’s better this way, for right now anyway.

One day you’ll understand. Soon. I promise. For now, be strong for me, okay? Hold on to how much I love you. Everything we have is real and flawless. And it’s not over, not by a long shot.

I’ll come back to you. I’ll make all this up to you. It’s such a small snapshot of our life together, you’ll see.

You’re my girl, you’re my forever. And that's something that will never, ever change.

All my love,
