Page 10 of Back Then

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Macie Girl,

I know you’re angry. Hell, I can picture it clear as day in my mind. You pacing around your room, going over our last night together in your head. Replaying all the things we said, all the promises we made. I meant every single one of them. I’m going to give you the world, I’m going to make your life so damn beautiful.

I never wanted to hurt you, baby, never. You can’t understand it now, but I’m doing this for you. For us. I swear you’ll see it one day.

Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. It broke me. I know that’s not fair to say, because it broke you too. I swear, I’ll explain when I can. For now, just know that I love you.

You’re my girl, and that will never change.

All my love,


Booker + Macie

Booker:I know you got the first letter I wrote after I left. Which means you’re still pissed off and ignoring me.

Macie:I have a life, Booker. I have a job and friends. I have commitments and obligations. My world doesn’t revolve around you. Not anymore.

Booker:I’m glad, baby. I’m glad your life is full.

Macie:Stop calling me baby.

Booker:Fighting mad today, I see.

Macie:Fuck you and your stupid letter that came four years too late.

Booker:I deserve that.

Macie:I hate you.

Booker:I’ll take that over indifference any day.

Macie:Why did you leave me in the dark, second-guessing every moment we shared together? Why did you leave me like that? Do you know what kind of torture that was? Dammit, Booker.

Booker:It was torture for me too. At first, I thought you were getting my letters, okay? I didn’t set out to abandon you, baby, I swear.

Macie:Torture you chose. I didn’t have a choice. That was taken away from me. And you still won’t tell me why my parents had these letters.

Booker:Please let me explain in my own time, Macie girl.

Macie:You mean explain slowly, by having McCall drop letters and gifts at my doorstep while you drag me kicking and screaming through all our years together?


Macie:Taking my choices away all over again because it was so fun the first time? You’re being a selfish prick.

Booker:You’re right. But you do have a choice here. You could block my number. You could tell me to fuck off and change your number. I know it doesn’t seem like it from where you’re standing, but you have choices here, Macie.

Macie:Just get on with it, Booker. I want to get this over with so I can move on with the rest of my life. This is nothing more than closure.

Booker:You don’t mean that. I know you don’t.

Macie:You don’t know anything about me anymore. Stop pretending like you do or I really will block your damn number.

Booker:Okay. You’re right. I’m sorry.

Macie:Don’t placate me either. I hate that.
