Page 17 of Back Then

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Booker:I almost broke my neck leaping out of your window when we heard your parents start up those creaky old stairs.

Macie:Remember when my dad hired someone to redo those things?

Booker:We were at that booster club picnic, your dad was talking to McCall’s dad, asking if he had a good contractor who wouldn’t swindle him. You screamed NO and he looked at you like you’d lost your mind.

Macie:I had to pretend I was worried about the history and the aesthetic of our home. Remember that? I wrote an email and appealed to the historic society. He was so pissed when they stepped in and forced his hand.

Booker:He had to pay all that extra money to restore the original wood instead of letting someone bring in new pieces.

Macie:They never creaked the same though. Our warning signal was gone.

Booker:Yeah well, that’s when we wised up and started locking the damn door.

Macie:That’s when we started doing things that needed to be behind a locked door.

Booker:Careful now. I can’t go getting hard in this hospital bed with my mom staring at me.

Macie:Who does she think you’re talking to? All these texts.

Booker:You. Who else?

Macie:I should've stayed close to your momma. I shouldn’t have pushed her away with my anger. We were family, the three of us.

Booker:She understands, baby. She loves you.

Macie:I miss her.

Booker:I miss you.

Macie:I should go. I have plans tonight.

Booker:With a man?


Booker:Tell McCall I said hey.

Macie:I could easily have a date. It’s a Saturday night, and I am as single as the day is long.

Booker:I’m not worried about other men, Macie girl. I know who your heart belongs to.

Booker + McCall

Booker:Macie get home okay?

McCall:Yes, sir. Walked her to her door like a real gentleman. Every man in that fucking bar tried to get her to dance though. I had to keep her in my arms on the dance floor to fend them off. You’re lucky I’m an amazing dancer.

Booker:Any of those men try to get you to dance?

McCall:In this shithole of a town? Not hardly.

Booker:Why’d you move home then? You could've stayed in Houston, had wild love affairs, and a much more exciting career.

McCall:As much as it pains me to admit, the big city isn’t for me. I’ll find someone one day who wants to grow old with me here in this small slice of Texas.

Booker:Why do you think Macie moved home after college? When I let her go, I pictured a bigger life for her. A bigger city, a bigger school. People who didn’t know what she looked like in braces or that she broke her arm when she was eleven.

McCall:If you’d ever bothered to ask her, she’d have told you that she didn’t want bigger, she didn’t want more. She wanted exactly what she’d always had. This small town and the people who came along with it. She wanted you, and only what you could give her.
