Page 18 of Back Then

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Booker:I’m glad you two have each other.

McCall:I’ve loved her as long as you have, cuz.

Booker:I know, and we’re both lucky for it.

4th Letter

Macie Girl,

All your letters are with McCall. I know now that they never got to you and I’m sorry, baby. But it’s been so many months and I’ve seen how happy you are now.

McCall sends me pics and updates. You have friends, you have a life outside our small town. You’ve moved on. I can see that. You don’t need to hear from me now after almost a year of silence.

You thought I left without a word. I can’t imagine how you felt all this time. If I’d have known, I would’ve called you. Now though, it seems almost cruel to drag you back.

I still have time here I need to serve, for myself. and for my country. I made a commitment and I can’t back out. I started this for us, and I need to finish it. I want to give you the world, and I need to make sure I can.

When I’m home, when I’m done, I’ll come for you, okay? I’ll make every moment of silence you’ve experienced up to you. I’ll tell you everything, and I’ll glue us back together. Piece by piece, no matter how long it takes.

You're always on my mind, and in my heart. You’ve been my whole world since I was nine years old, and that will never ever change.

Please have fun and laugh. Go to school and study hard. Set goals and reach them. Exceed them. You’re so damn special, baby. I hope you know that. I hope you know how you light up the room and make everyone around you smile.

You are sunshine, Macie. You are pure light and love, and none of us are worthy of your warmth.

My beautiful wild girl.

All my love,


Booker + Macie

Booker:I can feel your irritation from here.

Macie:That’s not possible.

Booker:Say what’s on your mind.

Macie:No, I’ll sound like a broken record, exactly like you do.

Booker:Did you get your gift?

Macie:The key? What does it go to?

Booker:Your bedroom door.

Macie:You stole the key to my door?

Booker:The morning I left town, I took the old skeleton key.

Macie:You were in my room the day you left? Why didn’t I see you?

Booker:You were at school. I was going to try to leave you a note. But it didn’t quite work out that way. The why is at the end, remember?

Macie:Why’d you take the key? Can you at least tell me that damn why today?

Booker:Partly as a small token of us I could hide inside my stuff for boot camp. Partly because I didn’t want you locking your door for any other guys.

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