Page 26 of Back Then

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Macie:It’s like someone came into my head and turned on the lights for the first time. I was so naïve.

McCall:Of course you were, Macie girl, you were fucking eighteen. You were supposed to be naïve. I bet they banked on it.

Macie:They kept my letters. More like stole them. But how did you end up with them? They couldn’t have given them to you, that’s too easy. And there was no way to know if you’d tell me the truth about my daddy’s threats.

McCall:I found them, actually. I was in your father’s office, stealing whiskey out of that crystal decanter. There they were in a stack on the bookcase. I took them and ran.

Macie:Why didn’t you give them to me right away?

McCall:Honestly? I don’t know. I think I was in shock at how low they had stooped. Booker called that evening and when I told him, he asked me to keep them safe.

Macie:So much heartache could have been avoided.

McCall:We were all kids, Mace. None of us knew the right path, and we’re all living with regrets.

Macie:I went over to their house last night and confronted them. I was fuming. Like steam coming out of my ears.

McCall:Your momma pretend to faint?

Macie:You know it. Ugh. I’m so angry, and annoyed, and mad at everyone. But I have to plaster a happy smile on my face and take my kids on a damn field trip.

McCall:Oh, to the berry farm? I always loved that one when we were little.

Macie:Yeah. Me too. Now I feel like a rain cloud is hanging over my head and every once in a while there’s a crack of lightning recharging my anger.

McCall:Well, have fun, Eeyore.

Booker + Macie

Booker:Hey, baby, how are you doing?

Booker:Are you back to ignoring me? That was my greatest fear through all this. Did you know that? I was afraid that once I told you the whole truth, it wouldn’t be enough for you. That you’d be even angrier. That you’d take your heart away from me for good.

Booker:Did you know that I never let myself check your social media? I didn’t want to see you with other guys. I knew I didn’t deserve your loyalty, but I wasn’t ready for a knife to the gut like that.

Booker:But I was missing you so hard today, I caved. Maybe it’s because I’ll be home soon. Maybe it’s because I’m beyond curious what your life looks like now.

Booker:It’s beautiful, baby. Your house, your garden, all those flowers. I like your dog, and I like his floppy ears. He sleeps on your bed, it’s sweet. I’m glad he’s there to protect you, to keep you company. You’re as gorgeous as ever, your hair is longer than the last pic McCall sent me. Your body, Macie, it’s straight sin. God, I miss you. Please forgive me. Please don’t stop talking to me. Now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t think I could survive without you.

Booker + McCall

Booker:She’s not talking to me again. I told her the truth and she’s ignoring me. My worst fucking fear came true. It wasn’t enough, it was all for nothing.

McCall:Oh calm down, you giant baby. She’s on a field trip with forty-five kindergartners today. Jesus. I forgot how dramatic you can be.

Booker:Did you talk to her?

McCall:Last night. She’s livid with her parents. She feels betrayed. She gave me a good dressing-down too for agreeing to keep your secrets. So thanks for that, cuz.

Booker:I should’ve never asked you to do that.

McCall:No, you damn well shouldn’t have.

Booker:I’m so sorry, McCall. I truly am. I was wrong.

McCall:I forgive you. I’m also going to screenshot this. The first time Booker Thomas Ruler admits to being wrong. I’ll frame it.

Booker:Do you think she’ll forgive me?

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