Page 27 of Back Then

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McCall:Uh, aren’t you going to ask if I’ll forgive you?

Booker:You already have.

McCall:Against my better judgment. And yes, I think she’ll forgive you. She still loves you.

Booker:How do you know?

McCall:Well for one, she’s killing herself to learn sign language faster than anyone in the history of the free world. Two. She’s been over at your mother’s house watering plants and feeding the chickens. I told her I had it handled, and she said she “owed your momma some love”.

Booker:I can’t live without that girl.

McCall:Well, come on home and claim her then.

Macie + Booker

Macie:I was on a field trip.

Booker:I know. McCall told me after I texted him in a blind panic.

Macie:He give you hell?

Booker:Called me a giant baby.

Macie:You really never looked at my social media while you were deployed? Four years and not one peek?

Booker:No. I was always too afraid of what I would see. Afraid you’d look happy. Afraid you wouldn’t. I figured I needed to go cold turkey until I could come home and win you back.

Macie:And when was that going to be?

Booker:Honestly? About a month from now. I was almost out, reserves left, but I’d be home the majority of the time.

Macie:You were already planning to come home?

Booker:Yep. I was hanging around camp, waiting on my plane. I was going to hitch a ride back to the states. Like I said, everything moves pretty slow, but I was on my way back to you.

Macie:Tell me about your accident.

Booker:I was helping some newer guys, giving them a tour. I don’t know how it happened, a gun went off. The bullet grazed me, but when I fell, it was right into some razor wire. It shouldn’t have been there. Someone had literally set it down to readjust their grip. It was a freak accident, all the way around. I remember the blood. There was so much blood. From my head, from my neck. I needed more than one transfusion, I lost so much.

Macie:We could’ve lost you.

Booker:It was touch-and-go there for a second, but I’m okay now.

Macie:Your vocal cords are severed.

Booker:But I’m alive. And that’s all that matters in the end, huh?


Booker:How was the field trip?

Macie:I spent most of my day ushering kids back and forth to the potty, but in between handwashing instructions, I got to hold some baby goats. All in all, not a terrible day.

Booker:Rowdy. That bottle baby goat you nursed back to health and let sleep with you.

Macie:He was adorable.

Booker:He peed in your bed.
