Page 28 of Back Then

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Macie:But his hooves made the cutest little clicking sound on the hardwood floor.

Booker:I thought Jeeves was going to have a heart attack when we brought him home. Your parents were way more accepting than I thought they’d be.

Macie:We told my mom we found him on the side of the road. No clue why she believed us. If she’d known you bought him for me, she’d have never let me keep him.

Booker:I’ll never forget those tears rolling down your cheeks when you realized that they were going to send him to slaughter when his momma rejected him. It broke my heart to see you so sad.

Macie:I was seventeen and he was the first pet I ever had. I loved that damn goat.

Booker:He still alive?

Macie:He lives out at the Marburgers’ place. Sometimes he’s grazing by the road, and I stop and say hi.

Booker:I’ve had so much time to relive all our moments. It’s the only thing that’s kept me sane over the last few years. I replayed our life together, from that first strawberry to when I left. All the adventures through the woods, and up the creek. If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can still smell the honeysuckle that grew wild across from your house. I can practically feel your lips on mine, your hands in my hair.

Macie:And I pushed all thoughts of you out of my mind. It hurt too much.

Booker:I messed up, baby, I know I did. I can see now how wrong I was. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you’ll let me.

Macie:It’s been so long, Booker, so many years of heartache between us. I can’t promise you how I’ll feel when I see you again. I don’t know if I can offer you more than friendship. These little trips down memory lane are great, nostalgic. But I don’t know who you are anymore. And you don’t really know the person I’ve become either.

Booker:You’re right. But I want to. I want to know you, and I want you to know me. Ask me anything.

Macie:It’s been a long day, we’ll talk soon. ’Night, Booker.

Booker:Good night, baby.

Macie + McCall

Macie:What if he comes home and I don’t feel the same about him as he does me?

McCall:Then y’all can be friends, and he'll have to learn to accept the consequences of his actions.

Macie:I’m not trying to punish him.

McCall:I know you aren’t. He knows it too. He made the decision to stay away, Macie, he made the choice to keep you in the dark. We both know he thought he was doing right by you, but that doesn’t change the facts.

Macie:I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to make him promises I can’t keep. The way he talks to me, the words he says. They’re beautiful, any girl would be over the damn moon to hear them. But I’m not sure how to forgive him.

McCall:It’s not going to happen overnight, Macie girl. You’ve got four years of heartbreak piled inside you, give it time.

Macie:I don’t know what I would've done without you, McCall John Ruler. The brother I never had.

McCall:Macie Palmer Worley. The baby sister I never needed.

Macie:You love me.

McCall:More than my luggage.

McCall + Booker

McCall:What’s with the deck of cards?

Booker:She said she doesn’t know me, and she’s right. I’ve lived a whole lifetime in the military. I’ve grown up. I’ve fought in combat. I’m not the same nineteen-year-old boy who climbed out of her window that last sunrise.

McCall:You should be a poet. But I didn’t ask for flowery prose, I asked what the damn cards were for.

Booker:I play one-handed solitaire. I learned during my first deployment, and I’ve been playing nonstop in the hospital.
