Page 3 of Back Then

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Macie:He WOKE UP? Was he in a coma? What the actual hell, McCall? How come no one told me?

McCall:You’ve made how you feel about him, or any mention of him, extra, super clear, Mace.

Macie:I’m mad at him. It doesn’t mean I want him to die. Jesus. What happened?

McCall:Far as we can tell, it was a training exercise that went bad. Bullet grazed his skull and as he went down, he landed in some razor wire that was piled up nearby.

Macie:He was shot.


Macie:But he’ll live?

McCall:He’ll live. He’s pretty cut up, and they had to remove some skull splinters from some dangerous areas. It’ll take rehab, and a lengthy hospital stay. But like I said, his mom is on her way.

Macie:I’m an asshole.

McCall:We all have our moments.

Macie:I thought his bad day was like a sand spider in his cot.

McCall:Nah, not this time. Although you should ask him about the one that bit his left nut. Apparently the first thing he did after coming to from his coma was locate his personal cell from his belongings, charge it, and then reach for you.

Macie:Are you trying to make me feel worse?

McCall:Nope. Merely establishing a timeline.

Macie:This isn’t a crime scene, Detective McCall.

McCall:Depends on who you ask. I bet Booker’s heart feels pretty fucking murdered.

Macie:I hate you.

McCall:You don’t hate anyone, including Booker Thomas. Just text him back, Macie girl. You know those little fingers of yours are itching to anyway.

Macie + Booker

Macie:I talked to McCall.

Booker:Still favoring that cousin of mine over me? Some things never change.

Macie:I never favored McCall. He’s just never disappeared on me.


Macie:Why didn’t you tell me?

Booker:You didn’t want to talk to me.

Macie:I would have if I’d have known you almost died.

Booker:One, I didn’t almost die. Mostly. Two, I don’t want your pity texts, Macie.

Macie:Your momma make it there yet?

Booker:Yeah, she’s here. I must look pretty bad because she’s been crying since she walked in. I crushed one of my sleeping pills into her coffee so I could get some peace.

Macie:You didn’t.
