Page 4 of Back Then

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Booker:Of course I did. Remember when you were fifteen and desperately wanted to go to that concert over in Houston?

Macie:I told my parents I was spending the night at Ashley K’s house. She required a latte a day for a week as payment for her compliance in my lie.

Booker:My mom didn’t want me driving in the city since I’d just gotten my license. So we gave her melatonin in her herbal tea, and then took the truck right out of the garage.

Macie:We should be in prison. Your poor momma, trying to raise a delinquent on her own.

Booker:She was still asleep when we snuck in after midnight, sitting in her rocking chair. We went swimming in the tank to cool off. It was the first time I saw you in your bra and panties. Same as a swimsuit, so you said. But let me tell you, baby, it didn’t feel the same.

Macie:We got leeches, Booker Thomas.

Booker:But looking for them on each other was fun.

Macie:Only you would think pulling bloodsucking leeches off my ass was fun.

Booker:Anytime I got to look at your ass was fun.

Macie:I’m sorry you got hurt, and I’m sorry I was mean to you last night.

Booker:I’m sorry I left without any warning or explanation.

Macie:And yet, four years later I’m still in the dark.

Booker:You deserve answers.

Macie:Am I going to get them?

Booker:Soon, Macie girl, I swear.

Booker + McCall

Booker:You told Macie.

McCall:She texted me. Don’t you think you’ve withheld enough from that girl over the last four years?

Booker:I told her she deserves answers.

McCall:She deserved them before you got on that bus.

Booker:She deserved a future. She deserved everything.

McCall:She was eighteen and in love.

Booker:With a guy who was going nowhere.

McCall:With a man who had more heart than three whole damn counties combined.

Booker:You always were our biggest fan.

McCall:Still am. That’s why I told her about your accident.

Booker:I don’t want her pity, man.

McCall:She’s still in love with you.

Booker:She told me she was indifferent about me. Apparently, that’s worse than hate.

McCall:She’s guarded, she’s hurt. She’s not indifferent. She couldn’t be indifferent about you if her life depended on it.
