Page 34 of Back Then

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Macie:A while back, McCall told me I should ask you about the sand spider that bit your left nut.

Booker:Did he now? Remind me to thank him.

Macie:Can you tell me?

Booker:Sure, it’s not entirely embarrassing or triggering. I’d love to relive the day my testicle swelled to the size of a small grapefruit.

Macie:I googled them…and their bite.

Booker:Are you asking me if my nuts rotted off?

Macie:I’m not not asking.

Booker:Okay. So one night I was lying in my cot, drifting off to sleep to sweet memories of you and that black bikini of yours when I suddenly felt like my balls were on fire. I was instantly sweating, and it hurt so damn bad. I knew exactly what’d happened. I ran to the medical tent where they’d stocked antivenom for us. They got it on board immediately, which basically saved my testicles. Didn’t keep them from swelling up though. I couldn’t walk right for a week. But the necrosis never set in, for which I’m eternally grateful.

Macie:You can still have kids and stuff?

Booker:Baby, I would’ve told you if that was an issue. I told you I’d never lie to you again. I told you I was going to give you everything you ever wanted.

Macie:I was curious, is all.

Booker:Sometimes, at night, I dream about you pregnant, and me working tirelessly to get you that way.

Macie:Sounds grueling.

Booker:It’s hard work, but I’m always so damn happy to do it.

Macie:When we were kids, and that condom broke, I wasn’t as scared as you. I trusted you so fully. I knew we’d be okay, I knew you’d make sure of it. Even if wasn’t easy, even if we struggled, we’d still be together and that was all that mattered to me.

Booker:I would’ve done any and everything to make our life good. I would’ve loved that baby and worshipped its momma.

Macie:I still want kids one day. I think. It’s been so long since I thought of a future like that. One where I had a family. I never allowed myself to dream about it after you left.

Booker:Thinking of our future was the only thing that saved me most days.

Macie:Tell me about your dreams. Tell me what they looked like.

Booker:We bought some land, and I built us a house. You had a herd of goats, and a thriving vegetable garden. And bees. In my dreams we kept bees, and we did some downright dirty things with the fresh honey. We had a boy first, and then two little girls. Both you and I always wanted siblings, so I figured we’d try for a bigger family. And, of course, you can’t forget that floppy-eared dog of ours.

Macie:That’s sweet, but it’s not exactly what I meant.

Booker:Oh. You want to hear about how I’d work to get you pregnant?

Macie:I’m not not saying that.

Booker:You’re not not saying a lot of things today, Macie girl. How about you be honest with me and tell me what you want? I’ll give it to you. You know I will.

Macie:Tell me about your dreams, your fantasies. I want to hear them.

Booker:You at home? In bed?

Macie:I’m in a bubble bath.

Booker:Fuck, baby, I can picture you. Covered in suds with your face flushed from the anticipation and the heat of the water.

Macie:Please, Booker…

Booker:I always loved it when you begged me.
