Page 38 of Back Then

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McCall:Thanks, Detective Worley.

Macie:You’re welcome, Detective McCall.

Macie + Booker

Macie:McCall said you still prefer text, even when you two are in the same room.

Booker:I’m not so great at sign language yet. I end up frustrated I can’t say everything I want to. He says it’s because I’m unnecessarily long-winded. I’ll get there, eventually.

Macie:I’ve been practicing nonstop, and I’m still not as good as I’d like to be.

Booker:It won’t happen overnight. I can’t tell y’all how much it means that you took on the challenge. McCall I get, he’s family, and his momma would’ve whooped his ass if he hadn’t put in the effort. But you… You didn’t even want to text me, let alone learn an entirely new language so you could speak to me.

Macie:The first time I saw your name on my phone, I think I was shocked. Then, obviously, I went straight to pissed. I held on to that anger for as long as I could. Then I was annoyed. Then concerned. You’ve made me feel every emotion under the sun, Booker Thomas.

Booker:Any of them positive? Pissed, annoyed, and concerned aren’t making me feel too hopeful over here, Macie girl. I mean, I know I turned you on and have been more than satisfied on my side—

Macie:Satisfied. I never thought texts could scratch that itch, but you figured it out.

Booker:I could take care of that itch even better if you’d just come see me.

Macie:I’m not ready. It’s so big. After four years and everything I went through to heal my broken heart… I worked so hard on this life I have, Booker. Coming to see you, touching you. It’ll all come crashing down around me. I’m not too naïve to know that.

Booker:I only want to add to your full life, not take anything away. If all you’ll give me right now are your texts, I’ll take them. If you want to come and sit ten feet away from me and watch old movies, I’ll take that. Hell, if you want to use every fucking inch of me to get yourself off and then leave, I’d be okay with that too. I want you any way I can have you, baby.

Macie:Are you even cleared medically to use every inch of you?

Booker:Yes, ma’am. Why? That the option you choosing?

Macie:It could never be that simple between us.

Booker:Have you talked to your parents?


Booker:I have.

Macie:What? Did they actually have the nerve to go see you?

Booker:They did. I knew I’d run into them eventually. They’re your family, and we live in the same tiny town. But I wasn’t expecting them to be at my door. I stared in silence for what must’ve been a full minute. Then your mom held up her cell phone.

Macie:They knew they would need to text?

Booker:Yeah. I guess they spoke to McCall’s mom. Anyway, they asked how I was, and they asked about my accident and my injuries.

Macie:Did they apologize?

Booker:No. Actually, they didn’t even hint at an apology.

Macie:Sounds like them. My dad came to see me alone, and again spent the whole time justifying his every action. I made him leave. What did you say?

Booker:I told them I never stopped loving you, and I never pictured a future without you in it. I told them all they ended up doing was prolonging the inevitable and destroying their relationship with you.

Macie:Damn. Brutal. I love it.

Booker:Your dad tried to say that I was the one who ruined their relationship with you because I told you about what he did and how he blocked our contact.

Macie:I think I finally understand the term fighting mad. I want to punch my father.

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