Page 39 of Back Then

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Booker:I know that feeling. I didn’t hit him though. I told him he needed to take responsibility for his actions, and also that he needed to leave my house.

Macie:They destroyed me, and they destroyed us.

Booker:They pushed us apart, and then kept us that way. But I destroyed us. That’s on me. I could’ve come for you when I realized you didn’t get those letters. I could’ve given McCall the okay to tell you everything. Maybe one day you’ll forgive them the way you’ve forgiven me.

Macie:Who says I’ve forgiven you?

Booker:Wishful thinking.

Macie:I feel like everyone is holding their breath, waiting to see what I’ll do or say next. It’s a lot of pressure, all the way around.

Booker:There’s no pressure from my end. I swear to you. Please don’t take on that unnecessary burden. I’ve been patient with you our whole life, and I’m not about to start making demands now, baby.

Macie:Thank you.


Macie + McCall

Macie:How you doing detective?

McCall:You know how long it’s been since someone texted me just to check on my well-being?

Macie:Ugh. I get it. Booker and I have been self-obsessed jerks this past month. We’re lucky you’re still speaking to either of us.

McCall:That’s a lot of “us” talk for someone who doesn’t know if she wants to even be an “us” with their old flame.

Macie:I don’t want to talk about me or Booker. I want to know how you are, genuinely.

McCall:Well, it turns out you were right about the Shark, the Stingray, and the Coraline. Shark is an abusive, controlling douche canoe. I didn’t know someone that young could be that cruel. The girl came clean to her parents, and they’ve decided to press charges.

Macie:That’s good, right? At least the Shark will have to face some consequences. What about the Stingray?

McCall:The Shark is too busy trying to lawyer up against the girl, the Stingray has been forgotten for the moment.

Macie:I’ve seen them together, Stingray and Coraline. They’re sweet. She looks at him like he hung the moon, and he looks at her with all the stars in his eyes.

McCall:Pretty talk for a jaded old schoolteacher.

Macie:I still love young love.

McCall:If what you say is true, then they’d remind me of you and Booker. I watched you two your whole lives, and you know that. From the playground to school dances. The way you loved each other, it was the likes this town had never seen before. Deep down, I think your parents were jealous. They didn’t love each other the way you and Booker did. They knew he was the one for you, they knew it like the rest of us knew it. And it terrified them because they could never understand a love like that.

Macie:Is it a Ruler family trait to always know the right thing to say?

McCall:I don’t know, maybe.

Macie:I love you.

McCall:Ditto, Macie girl.

Macie + Booker

Macie:Wake up.

Booker:Why? What’s wrong?

Macie:I’m getting bored watching you sleep.
