Page 40 of Back Then

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I sat up in bed, my heart racing as the sheets fell to pool around my hips. I blinked into the darkness, demanding my eyes adjust so I could see if I was dreaming.

There she was, standing in my doorway, backlit by the hall light. She was so damn beautiful: memories and photographs were all I’d had for so long.. It’d been over four years since I’d seen her in person, and the sight of her almost brought tears to my eyes.

Her being here, in my room, it was more than I deserved and everything I wished for.

“Can I come in?”

I glanced down at my cell, responding in rapid fire text.

Booker: Come in, move in. Either works for me.

I watched the small smile grace her lips as she stepped into my room. I wanted to go to her. I wanted to touch her. I stayed still though. She moved around my space, studying the walls and all the memories they displayed.

Booker: I kept it all, everything you gave me, and everything you returned. I couldn’t tell my mom to box it up and put it in the attic. McCall told me I was a sentimental fool.

She laughed quietly after reading my message. “Well, considering all our moments together you made me relive, I’d have to agree with him.”

She stopped at the edge of my bed, her gaze taking in my bare chest before traveling north and settling on the scar across my throat. She sighed, pursing her perfect lips. “As if you needed to get any hotter. Now you’re sporting that badass scar.”

I forced my lips together, fighting a grin. I was glad she thought my scar was sexy, because it was long, raised, and raw. I was still healing, but it would be with me for the rest of my life.

And damn if I didn’t want her to think I was attractive after all these years. I wasn’t the same boy I was when I last saw her. I’d packed on muscle, and my hair was buzzed close to my scalp. I knew I looked older, like I’d seen some shit. Which I had.

Booker: You’re gorgeous, baby. I can’t believe you’re here. I can’t believe you’re actually standing in front of me. Thank you for coming.

Recently, I’d stalked her social media, but those pictures had nothing on the real thing. She was like an angel and she still smelled like flowers.

My fingers itched to reach for her, to touch her, to pull her into bed with me. I was scared to spook her though. She was like a newborn fawn. Skittish and one second away from tearing out of my house.

“I couldn’t sleep. I tried, but it was no use. Knowing you were here. Knowing how badly you wanted me to come see you. For days, I couldn’t seem to get my mind to settle on anything else.”

She shrugged and her hands were twisting the hem of her shirt. I noticed she was in her pajamas. Soft shorts and a button-down shirt.

Wait.That was my shirt. It was one I used to wear to church on Sundays. Seeing her in my shirt, knowing she chose to wear it, to surround herself in me… It took my breath away.

Booker: Nice shirt, Macie girl. But I could’ve come to you. You didn’t need to get out of bed and drive at 2 am.

Her safety, her comfort, her happiness was all that mattered to me. I’d lost sight of that once, and thought I knew what was best for both of us. I’d never let it happen again.

She looked down at her clothes. “This old thing? It belonged to some guy I used to know. He left it in my room one Sunday. I wondered if he even remembers? My parents allowed him to come to Sunday brunch after church, but then he was supposed to go home. Instead, he snuck around back and climbed in my window. We did things that spoke of straight sin.”

Booker: Oh, he remembers. You asked me to bend you over your dresser. We both watched as I fucked you. I had to hold your hip with one hand and that mirror with the other to keep it from banging against the wall.

I knew she was blushing. I could tell by the way her palm went to her cheek, and the deep inhale she took.

“Do you think, maybe just for tonight, I could sleep here with you?” She bit at her plump bottom lip. A nervous tell she’d always had. “I know we have a lot to talk about still, but…”

I held up my covers, scooting over and making room for her. I couldn’t believe she was climbing in my bed. I couldn’t believe I’d get to sleep next to her, feel her body, and smell her mouthwatering flowery scent.

I was almost afraid I was dreaming, that I’d wake up alone once more.

I lay facing her, waiting for her to get comfortable. I wasn’t sure what the boundaries were here.

Obviously I wanted to hold her, but I didn’t know if that was whatshewanted. If that was something she’d ever want again.

She was on her back, the covers tucked up to her chin, her eyes on the ceiling. There was still glow-in-the-dark stars up there from when I was six. McCall and I put them up. He balanced a chair on my mattress and when my mom came in and saw what we were doing she about had a heart attack.
