Page 5 of Back Then

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Booker:Thanks for telling her.

McCall:Anytime, cuz.

Booker + Macie

Booker:Do you remember the first time we met?

Macie:I was eight and you were nine. We were at the grocery store, stealing strawberries behind old man Thompson’s back.

Booker:Correction. You were stealing strawberries. You had long dark pigtails with little pink bows. I was watching you trying to decide if I should turn you in or ask for one for myself.

Macie:I handed you one. I told you my name was Macie and that my momma would pay for the ones we ate either way.

Booker:Your big brown eyes did me in. I ate a strawberry, my mother caught me, and I got grounded for three days.

Macie:I was a spoiled brat from day one.

Booker:You were wild and unafraid of what anyone thought. You danced through the world, not caring who joined. You were going to have fun, no matter what. You were everything I didn’t know I could be.

Macie:I saw you at school the next week, and you told me your name was Booker Thomas Ruler, and because of my heathen ways you got grounded.

Booker:You asked what the hell a heathen was.

Macie:You told me my parents should take me to church. I told you we went every Sunday.

Booker:I bet you’re still a heathen, and I bet you still tune out the sermon on Sundays.

Macie:What’s with the trip down memory lane, Booker?

Booker:I told you that you deserved answers, so I’m giving them to you.

Macie:You left without a good-bye because I got you grounded when we were kids?

Booker:The why is at the end of a long road. You gonna bear with me or you going to complain the whole time?

Macie:You know the answer to that. Can you call me instead? Maybe we can hurry this along a little bit.

Booker:No calls. Hospital rules.

Macie:I don’t want to do this with you, Booker. I really don’t. It’s been too long, and too much hurt has already healed over.

Booker:A dying man’s last wish?

Macie:You said you weren’t dying.

Booker:I’m not. But I’m not above using what I can.

Macie:No, Booker.

Booker:I’m not giving up on us.

Macie:You already did.

Booker:I swear to you, baby, I never once gave up on us.

McCall + Booker

McCall:You tell her?
