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His chuckle caught her by surprise. “Well, Freddy always was an asshole.”

She stared at him and then smiled. “Oh, but his friends call himFrednow.”

Max walked forward, the warmth she felt in her chest reflected in his eyes and the smile he offered her. “How unfortunate for him.”

She laughed at that. “Funny, I said the same thing.”

He cupped her face, and all that comfortable warmth shot to raw, sexual heat at the feel of his hands against her flesh. Slowly, he moved his thumb over her bottom lip.

“We can skip dinner.”

She shook her head, knowing he would do it. “I’m hungry even if it is rubber chicken.”

He smiled and tilted her head up as he bent his toward hers. Softly, he brushed his mouth over hers. It was the briefest of touches, but her body was humming with need by the time he pulled back. He moved beside her, sliding his hand around her waist. Her mind was still spinning and her heart still melting from the tender kiss he’d given her. As they reached the opened double doors, he bent his head so that his lips almost touched her ear.

“And you know, I’ve always been proud of you. You can beat the Freddy slash Freds of the world with one hand tied behind your back. He’s got nothing on you.”

He pulled away then and guided her to their seats, as if everything was normal. But it wasn’t. All that sexual heat had shifted into something completely different. Something that at the moment was scaring the hell out of her. She felt, as she had a lot this week with Max, cherished, and above all, respected. Max didn’t toss out compliments about business that often. As they neared their table, she leaned up and said, “Thanks.”

He nodded to an acquaintance and kept his gaze directed forward. “It’s just the truth. Now, your choice in high-school boyfriends—that we can debate later.”

* * *

Anna twistedher hands and cursed when the stocking wouldn’t give. She’d been trying to ease her hands from the binding since the moment Max started touching her, but to no avail. It should have been easy to slip her hands from the silk-stocking Max tied around them and her headboard, but she was finding it unbelievably difficult. Not to mention frustrating. It was hard to concentrate on the task with her body vibrating with arousal. As Max skimmed his hand up her thigh, her thoughts scattered as her pulse scrambled.

She didn’t particularly like this position—under his control.I need to touch,she thought as she flexed her hands. She needed to feel his flesh beneath her hands, anddammit, she wanted to get what she wanted rightnow. A strange mixture of longing and satisfaction filled the sigh that escaped his lips and warmed her skin. Anna melted a little more. When he reached the top of her stocking, he curled his fingers over then under the lacey edge. He moved his fingers along her skin, smiling when she wiggled in frustration. Bending over, he licked the skin just above the stocking band.

Every nerve ending sizzled, lust spiraled, and a wave of liquid heat coiled in her belly.


When he looked up at her, she lost her train of thought again. His hair was deliciously rumpled, his eyes hot with intent as the candlelight he’d insisted on flickered over his skin. His lips curled into a smile that held a hint of satisfaction along with a dose of wickedness. She couldn’t stop the sigh of appreciation. There was nothing so tempting as Max when he was being wicked.

“Anna.” He stopped moving his fingers and tsked with mock disapproval. “You get naughty with me, I’ll punish you.”

“Too late for that,” she gritted out, but she stilled her actions. She knew Max, and no matter how aroused he was, he was completely in control. He’d lie there all night and wait.

“That’s a good girl.”

Her eyes narrowed in irritation, but she said nothing else. Because she didn’t want the caresses to stop. She’d die if he moved away from her now. Anna was pretty sure she’d combust just from the sexual heat he’d built.

He tugged gently with his fingers, pulling the stocking lower. Slowly, inch by inch, he eased the delicate fabric down. He barely touched her skin. To drive her insane, he followed the same path with his mouth, moving it against her heated flesh. Every few inches, she felt the flick of his tongue, the scrape of his teeth. Anna curled her toes, trying her best not to move her hips. By the time he reached her ankle, Anna quivered with need. When he grazed his teeth over her ankle, then flicked his tongue over the same spot, she almost came right there and then. She closed her eyes, willing herself a little more control.

After pulling off the stocking, he slid up her body, his mouth moving over her skin. The heat in her stomach dropped to between her legs, the pressure urging her to press against him to relieve it. He didn’t give her the chance. She’d just sighed in relief at the feel of his body weight on top of hers when he pulled away. When she opened her eyes, she found him moving to straddle her by placing a leg alongside each of her hips.

He was still wearing his knit boxers. The bulge of his hardened cock had her licking her lips.

“Ahhh, if you are a good girl, Anna, I might just let you.”

Her gaze shot to his, and at that point she almost begged. If it hadn’t been for the smug smile curving his lips and the sparkle of devilment in his eyes, she might have. But she resisted the temptation, pressing her lips together in an attempt to keep from pleading.

He chuckled, all too aware of her discomfort. His gaze fastened on her breasts the second before he ran the silk stocking he’d removed over them. “I knew you wouldn’t last long. You always have to dive in headfirst.”

The challenge in his voice was unmistakable. A lesser woman would have surrendered, but Anna wasn’t just any woman. She rose to any challenge, especially from an overbearing alpha male jackass. She gritted her teeth and concentrated on the crack in her ceiling. She would not beg. She mentally read herself the riot act and refused to give in. Her nipples tightened further each time the soft fabric brushed over them. They ached. His ministrations with the stocking were making it worse. There was no relief, but with each pass of the fabric, the tension increased—heightened. She bit her bottom lip to keep from begging for something…anything to relieve the pressure.

The room was silent, save their breathing and the beating of her heart. It was so loud she was convinced people the next county over could hear it. He moved the fabric over her breasts again, wiggling the fabric slightly. She opened her mouth to surrender but he stopped her by bending and flicking his tongue over her nipple. It wasn’t what she needed for relief, but it was a damn sight better than the stocking.

Once, twice, his tongue moved over the tip, and then he was gone, dragging the stocking over it again. The silk clung against her damp skin, the friction about killing her. Again, she was opening her mouth to beg, but this time, he swooped in, his tongue stealing inside, giving her a taste of him. Sensual, tempting, delicious. But he moved away too soon for her liking. As he pulled away, she embarrassingly followed him, her lips seeking his for more attention.
