Page 40 of 8-Bit

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She chanced a look at him, finding his eyes on her.

“I’m a masochist.”

She stared at him, her brain shooting off in every direction to find the meaning of that. “Alright. Remind me…”

“I like pain,” he said, still looking right at her. “With sex.”

The words sounded winded, and she realized he was affected by his own confession. “Okay. Take your time,” she whispered. “We have all of it we need. Can you tell me how that works?”

“Somebody…gives both. The pain and the sex.”

“Okay, and there. You said it. I know there’s a lot more to say but let’s take a moment to recognize you’ve done the hardest thing ever. You opened that door, and you took that first step.”

His breaths thickened as he angled his head away from her. “I’ve never wanted to kiss a woman the way I want to kiss you.”

Oh Jesus, help them, because he surely meant in that second. “I trust you, Ethan. If you want to try and kiss me…I’m happy to help you with that.”

“What if I can’t stop?”

“Then…let’s talk about the worst-case scenario. How about that?”

“I’ll want it and not stop till I get it. I will find a way to get it,” he said, looking at her now.

What did that mean exactly. “Can you give me an example? You’re talking about force?”

“Not you, no,” he swore. “I would return there.”

Her stomach knotted.

“Return where, honey?”

“To the Dungeon. Where I can have anything and everything I want whenever I want it.”

What on earth dungeon was this? “Is this a real place or…”

“It’s very real.”

Oh God.

“Here? In the swamp?”


At seeing his fear, she covered his arm with her hand and squeezed. “Look at me.”

He did. Clung to her gaze. She was suddenly in one hell of a corner with him, only it was not her in danger it was him. And that brought her fight with ferocity.

“You listen to me, Ethan. Are you listening?”

He stared at her, his gaze screaming for help.

“You are not going there. Do you understand? If you need to go someplace to get something, you will come to me. Wherever I am. Whatever time. You will find me, and I will take care of you and all your needs no matter how broken you think they are. Are you hearing me,” she ordered softly.

“Yes,” he whispered. “Yes, I hear you.”

His gaze lowered to her mouth and the second she realized he wanted to kiss her but feared, she climbed in his lap and took hold of his face. “I got you.”

His hands held her head and he pulled her mouth to his, kissing her like she’d never dreamed of being kissed before, filling her mouth with his hunger, his agony, his breathtaking buried passions.
