Page 22 of Nitro

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He held her jaw tight and slid his hand beneath her ass, holding and feeling the firm perfection as he fucked her slowly.

“Can you do it faster and harder?” she gasped in his mouth.

“You want my cock faster and harder?”

“Yes, so much, please!”

He picked up speed, watching what it did to her, feeling what that did to him. “Like that, baby?”

Her back arched with the thrash of her head. “Lesion, yes! Oh yes, yes!”

He raised up more, watching his cock hammer in and out as the perfect pair of tits in all the universe jerked with his rapid-fire strokes. The feel of his body slamming against hers brought his orgasm like a comet. He fell on her when it came to devour them, finishing with his body grinding into hers, leaving no space between them. He slid his hands under her shoulders, needing her to feel the fullness of what she did to him. Every powerful thrust was given by the man she created, the man from another realm, another world. Because the atoms in the universe had bowed before her beautiful heart and shattered laws and codes just to create what she desired. And by some kink in the matrix, it fell to him. He was the lucky bastard destined to become Tully’s man.


8-Bit pulled up the app for Cat’s tracking jewelry and adjusted the volume as low as he could while still able to hear everything going on in the Basilique meeting. Bishop gave them virtual attendance options and he took it happily. He was ready to get to the verification side of things with her and the less ears around, the better. He was only interested in knowing whether or not she was drama free in the ways that mattered. Real life drama was fine, but he couldn’t afford the bullshit kind.

So far, she was still proving to be the perfect match. But there were true color tests to perform with little time for them. As soon as he got what he needed, he’d remove the privacy invasion from her ring, but not a minute before.

He recalled her reaction when he presented the wedding ring before leaving a couple hours earlier. Or hernon-reaction. She’d held it between two fingers, examined it front and back, slid it on her ring finger, gave comically mild expressions of surprise, removed it and put it in her apron pocket. He’d managed to hold back a laugh, probably a little too happy to confirm Jason’s gospel about her caring nothing about such things.

But before leaving, he had to insist she wear it. “Can’t risk it getting lost,” he’d said.

She’d nonchalantly withdrew it from her apron, put it on, and returned her hands to said pockets. Grade: A+.

“If you hate it, I can design a new one,” he’d half teased-tested.

“Hate it,” she’d muttered. “It’s a tracking device, what’s to hate?” Without breaking eye contact, she’d called, “Jason, how much jewelry do I own?”

“Uhhh, I didn’t even know you had none.”

“Had any,” she corrected. “Cause I don’t.” Then she gave him the best sermon he’d ever heard. “I’m not a jewelry fan, no sir. Hope that isn’t a problem. I’d rather adorn my neck with a can-opener on a rope than see precious metals wasted on body art.” Without breaking her sublime, merciless stride, she added kindly, “I ain’t judging others who wear it. I know why some do and there ain’t no harm in it. That’s between them and the good lord, what they do with the time and money they have on this earth.” She tied his gift up with a neat suspicious bow and quirked brow. “People who focus on what’s on the surface often miss what lurks just beneath it.”

In-fucking-deed. That was a gavel of warning, letting him know she was watching him as close as he was her.

He’d thoroughly enjoyed all hisCatfindings. She was a lot deeper than he’d dared hope. So far, she was proving to be perfect material to stand as his right hand in just about anything. Which had his ass on the edge of his seat, quietly willing her to continue kicking ass. But he knew everybody had their flaws. He needed to find hers and decide if they were fixable or at least tolerable. Sometimes people resolved to becoming what they were due to life offering them no other choice. What would she do if life offered her everything on a silver platter? That’s what he needed to know. He was at debugging and cosmetic tweaks.

Speaking of cosmetics, the fact that she wore none had been another confirmation about her professed character. But in person, he found her more attractive than he liked. The single photo he’d found of her captured a one-dimensional image of that cold, calculating mainframe that had caught his eye. But seeing her in layered elements was an almost jarring experience. Thanks to Jason’s tell-all personality, he’d gotten a data-dump in the span of a minute. She’d changed into the only dress she owned, wasn’t one for frivolous pleasantries, fashion, makeup, or the male species in general. Didn’t get much company, didn’t go many places other than the Muck and Marsh where she both worked and shopped supplies, and to her booray games once a week with the only three female friends she had. Unselfish to a fault—which Jason seemed to spend time nagging her about.

Andshe hunted.

The boy’s father’s details had him troubled, though. He was one of their wounded from the Noctambule war and judging by the intel, he’d become a shell of man who’d lost his will and way. As soon as this meeting was over, he’d be paying him a visit with the Seer. He didn’t have time to guess wrong and needed to know the stuff he wasn’t able to see by simple observation. He was a member of Bullets hatch, so, he’d have a chat with him about what he knew. But being the closest thing to a father figure the family had, 8-Bit intended to make his intentions with his sister known to him.

His mind returned to the baby deal she’d struck with him. Still wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Not that he was opposed to kids, he just never had a reason to think of them as a celibate leader of his Hatch. When he mentioned it possibly requiring more than one attempt to make one, her reaction said it spoke more than just to her inexperience. She’d blushed and sputtered, and he’d found it cute. As well as a confirmation to everything he’d want in a woman. He much preferred an inexperienced one in that department.

He looked at his watch and turned up Cat’s volume at hearing consistent chatter, indicating she’d reached destination booray game. Operation listen and learn was officially launched with five minutes till the meeting. He hit record on his phone, intending to listen to the feed after. Her honest opinion about the marriage and all it entailed was what he was after. And her true thoughts about him.

Come on Cat. Do me proud.

“You keep your trap shut about the Ball business, not a word!” she whispered. “Or about Ethan!”

“Iswear!” Jason whispered back, with a fiftieth-time stress.

“Our business is our business.”

“IknowAunt Cat. What about the ring? They gone ask questions. And you can’t take it off!”

“Well, I know that! How about it’s not their business?”

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