Page 28 of Nitro

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“A unified front is easier to kill,” he said, simply.

Bishop nodded, considering. “What else do you need for this?”

“I need a Spirit Hatch,” Seer said. “A dedicated space where I can build an army of spiritual soldiers. Any one of the swamp stops on the outskirts preferably. The closer to the walls we can get, the more we can see and feel that which lurks beyond it.”

“Whatever you need is yours, just ask,” Bishop said. “And see to it immediately.”

“Spook, I’ll need you to meet us at my place with Maggie for that prayer circle,” Seer said.

“I’ll call you when we’re done,” Spook said.

“So, if this Ball is useless for luring the demons, then why have it?” Patches wondered.

“It’s not useless,” Ruckus said. “They’ll send scouts. But not for that.”

Bishop asked, “What do you suggest we let them see?”

“What they want to see. Their prizes, wide open and unsuspecting.”

“So, they’ll be bait,” Hurricane said.

“Oui,” Bishop said, not liking it but knowing it was the best plan going since they wanted to take those particular devils out. If not every one of them, then surely the head of all the snakes.

“So, we need to collect the boy and this woman before that Ball?” Shank muttered.

“It would surely help,” Seer said.

“Well, I hate to add shit to the shite, but a hurricane cropped up in the gulf and is barreling our way.”

“Mon-fucking Dieu,” Bishop swore with a roll of his eyes as the rest of them muttered similar sentiments.

“ETA?” 8-Bit asked.

“Three days. Tuesday night, supposedly. Moving straight for our ass at 10 mph packing winds of 160. Hurricane Ni-ko-las,” he said, bad-assing the name.

“Well, that cancels the Ball,” Bullets said like it freed him from having to sabotage it.

“Puuuhhhhh,” Traps growled. “Would like to see some part ofsomethingget done.We plan this, we plan that? Then nuuuut-ting!”

“Don’t get your ropes all up in a knot,” Bacon said.

“How long’s it off for?” Shank asked, another relieved warrior.

Bishop remembered, “We were cancelling anyway due to Nitro needing to recover. We don’t want hell on our turf without every able hand to meet it. Not to mention I want to buy a few days to learn how we can use our amazing new bat army.”

This got a round of eager interest. “Wouldn’t mind having a demon army to command,” Spar put in. “That was the most remarkable insanity I’veeverseen.”

The room went on in heated exchanges of bats, battles and bloodshed before Bishop called them back to the meeting with a loud, “The Ball, gentleman. If the hurricane is scheduled to get here Tuesday, having it the following weekend means a huge mess to clean up fas-fas.”

“I say let us pick the women we want to interrogate and callthata ball,” Shank suggested, getting a round of chuckles.

“I don’t shop,” Bullets informed. “I know what I want and when I see it, I get it.”

“But these ladies areexpectinga Ball, bruh,” Bacon reminded lightly, like they’d be safer fighting demons than a pissed off hoard of females.

“I say we do like Bullets said, pick one instead of five,” Spar suggested. “If you can’t figure out what you want in a woman, then you’ll have to accept your defeat and deal with your stupidity.”

“We’re moving into Fate Dice territory,” Patches realized, sounding ready for anything. “I’m down for rolling.”

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