Page 47 of Nitro

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“Start?” she barely whispered, opening pandora’s idea box.

“It’s just an orgasm,” he said, doing his damndest to hold his cool.

“What…do I do?”

Fucking praise God.


“Come here.”

Cat’s gasp flew out at those two words.Biology,biology,biology. This was happening. Now. Oh my God. Marriage business. Birds and the bees. Professional training.

She forced herself off the chair and stopped before his, biting all the dumb things on her tongue while praying he didn’t ask to see her. She wasnotready for that.

“I need to see you.”

The soft lilt in his voice held a force so compelling, she found herself undoing her shorts like her body had grown a separate brain. She panicked at remembering she had no panties. She wasn’t big on them except when absolutely required. What if he thought that was backwoods dirty? She let them fall to her ankles and his eyes locked on her secret. His head angled barely. “You don’t wear panties.”

The statement stole her breath. Observation? Question? Judgment?Disappointment?

“I wasn’t… ever a fan unless they’re necessary,” she could only whisper. “But I can wear them.”

He barely shook his head, still staring between her legs. “If you don’t like them, don’t wear them.” His gaze rose to her chest. “I need to see all of you.”

She fought the tremble in her hands as she removed the T-shirt then undid the clasp at the front of her bra, sliding out of it. Not even ropes could keep her arms from covering her chest which earned his burning gaze on hers.

He stared at her until she couldn’t breathe. She wanted so bad to close her eyes but was stuck in his and they were scorching heralive. She swallowed when he released her from it and returned his attention between her legs. Her heart did a mean number on her chest in the silence as she desperately wished she knew his thoughts. Was he disappointed? Was there anything he liked about her? Nothing at all?

He reached out and he stroked only the hair on her privates with the backs of his fingers, bringing her loud gasp.

“You’re okay,” he assured as she wet her dry lips while he continued stroking softly. He slid his middle finger between her legs, still only touching the hair. He was so close to that outrageously hot spot now. Those moans from the tub were there again. His finger reached near her butt then he drew it back toward him. It barely slipped between her folds, bringing a loud gasp. More than one this time. She couldn’t stop them.

He touched that spot finally and shock froze everything but the sounds flooding out. He turned his gaze up, making her realize she was watching his face. He wassoGod-blessedgorgeous.“Feels good here?” he asked softly, barely stroking the spot while she struggled not to pass out. It was getting too hot.

Her legs shook with every delicate stroke till she feared falling. “I…I can’t…” she barely got out around all the other sounds.

“Sit,” he ordered, taking hold of her waist and guiding her on his lap. He made her face him, putting her knees on either side of his legs. She waswide open.

He stared between her legs as she crushed her breasts with her own arms, watching his beautiful hands slide along her inner thighs. “Keep them open for me.”

Oh God his thick,silkyvoice pelted her blood.Keep them open for me.“Okay,” she managed, remembering to be capable and mature.

This time when he touched her, he used more fingers. Lord of all, he was starting over, gliding softly over the surface till she was desperate and trembling, hands white-knuckled against her body. She sounded like…she didn’t know what, but surely it was wrong. And she was moving her hips! “I’m sorry,” she shot out, sure she was embarrassing herself.

“Sorry,” he said, his gaze moving up her body. He pulled one of her hands free and laced her fingers in his while his other twirled in her opening. He brought her hand to his shoulder as he pushed inside her, his hot gaze on the one breast exposed.

She held on to his shoulder as he slid his touch over her hip and around her butt, feeling the shape of her while he worked his finger deeper still. She couldn’t stop from looking down at what he was doing, no longer caring about sex rules or the endless moans pouring from her. She only cared about getting him to touch that spot now throbbing terribly.

His hand moved back up her side and cupped her breast, gently feeling it, stroking the shape with his fingers.

He was all the way inside her now, moving firmly against the very bottom. She felt drunk from the heat, the pleasure creating a terrible need. “Please,” she croaked, moving her hips more.

He suddenly gripped her breast harder and leaned, covering the nipple with his beautiful mouth. She was lost to the sight and feel, holding his head in her hands, sinking her fingers in his hair. His pressed deeper still inside her, finally bringing pressure against that aching bud. She let go a long moan, reaching between her legs to help him find what he kept nearly touching.

“Yes,” she gasped when he created more friction on the throb as he fingered her harder, hot grunts edging his breaths with every thrust, every suck on her breast. God, seeing and hearing how much he liked it made her a million times hotter. “Ethan…I need…”

“Yes, you fuckingneed.” He scraped her nipple with his teeth, making her cry out and flick her hips harder. “Tell me what you need.”
