Page 53 of Nitro

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He dialed Seer and paced.


He took a deep breath and told him the Katrina news, then got his, “What else are you calling about?”

“You can feel it, can’t you,” he said, nodding. “When you’re done with the Raphael business, I need you to go put your hands all over 8-Bit and see what the fuck is going on with him. I donotlike the vibes I’m getting.

“Yes sir.”

Bishop heard something odd in his tone. “What about you? How are you doing?”

“Just preparing to form a circle with people I’m terrified to touch.”

He paused his steps. “You can call it off if you think you need to.”

“Nope,” he said easily. “I have a meeting with Destiny. And it’s time I find out what she’s been whispering in my ear about particular things.”

“Can you elaborate?” he asked, not liking the sound of that.

“I can. As soon as I know. My Father’s calling me. It’s time.”

Those words put an extra beat in his pulse. “I’m praying with you, Brother.”

“Thank you. See you on the other side.”

He hung up and Bishop stared at his phone, not at all liking what the hell that might mean. It suddenly rang and Lesion’s name appeared. He answered, “What’s up?”

Heavy breathing on the line put Bishop on immediate high alert. “Seth and I have Nitro,” Lesion said. “He had a reaction to a compound I’d prepared for him and Patches is getting a bed ready for him at the hospital. With restraints.”


“Took two sleep darts to take him down. When I got to Felix’s place, he was in the process of… forcing sex with her on the floating dock in her pond. Hebither during orgasm and drank her blood.”

“Are you fuckingkidding?I’m on my way.”


Lesion spotted Eveque at the entrance and hurried to meet him. “Where is he?”

“We put him in the basement for now till I run more tests. I don’t want to alarm anybody. “Felix is here being looked at.” He nodded at a passing nurse, stepping closer to Eveque. “I gave her a sedative, she was nearly hysterical with worry about Nitro. But she seems to be physically fine, other than the bite on her shoulder.”

Bishop’s wind left him as he shook his head. “What the fuck happened?”

Lesion acknowledged yet another nurse with a nod, this one smiling. “Let’s talk somewhere else.” He hurried to the stairwell leading to the basement, having to work hard to contain his excitement over everything. Inside the secluded hall, he stopped at the first landing and faced Eveque. “Felix doesn’t know it yet, but she gave him ten times the dose she was supposed to. That’s my fault, I failed to label the vial with instructions, and she went off of memory. I also made it in a bit of a hurry which is why I made the dosages so low.”

“What the hell was it?”

Lesion took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “The concoction was an experimental formula intended to enhance Nitro's senses and establish a stronger connection between him and the bats. I synthesized it from a specific compound found in bat saliva, neurotransmitters, and hormonal regulators. The correct dosage would have made him more receptive to the bats—improved communication, if you will.”

Eveque's eyes widened, visibly disturbed. “And the overdose? What's will that do to him?”

“Physiologically speaking, an overdose could result in heightened aggression, extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and possibly even altered states of consciousness,” Lesion explained quietly. “In layman’s terms, we might be dealing with an exceptionally volatile and unpredictable Nitro until I formulate an antidote or at least something to counteract the most severe side effects.”

Eveque scrubbed his face with a groan of exasperation. “When itfuckingrains,” he muttered before regarding him with a shake of his head and pointing at him. “Don’t for a second think I don’t see how much you’re enjoying this. Weallremember your childhood obsession with Batman and bats.”

Damn, he was busted, and he had to chuckle. “I never outgrew it,” he admitted, grinning at Eveque’s veryknowingnods. “But as risky as this situation has become, it’s proven that the formula works as intended, albeit in an intensified manner due to the overdose. With the right balance, Nitro's abilities with the bats could reach an unprecedented level, not to mention Seth said he was inhumanely strong.”

Bishop’s eyes widened. “Hefuckedher!Forcedher! Infrontofothers,” he added in strained disbelief. “Like he was onfuckingbatViagra!”
