Page 1 of All Of My Firsts

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October - Grayson

Mybodyfeelsweigheddown. And I’m hot, like really fucking hot. Sweating even. Can I smell cupcakes? brownies? My flat definitely doesn’t normally smell this sweet. My bed isn’t anywhere near this soft either.


My eyes snap open and I blink a few times to try to focus. A heavy groan rumbles around the room.Wait, was that me?Fuck, no. I look down to see dark hair splayed across my chest and an arm and leg wrapped around me, like a baby koala.

It takes a second, but then memories of last night flood my brain. This cute little firecracker let me fuck her in a plethora of positions, and had multiple orgasms from my tongue, my fingers, and my dick… my dick, which is currently twitching to wake his new best friend up for another round. Last night was… well, I want to do it again this morning, evidently, which is weird because I’m not one for sleepovers, let alone a second round.The fuck is that about?

I shift my arm around Nora’s petite frame and adjust the shoulder that she’s sleeping on, which in hindsight is a bad move because that wakes her up.

“Oh, fuck!” her raspy voice breathes against my skin as she jolts herself upright. I smile because I don’t know if I’ve ever heard her swear before. Her big brown eyes blink owlishly at me before she closes them and then rubs them fiercely, as though I might disappear when she opens them again.

“Morning, shorty,” I say, leaning towards her to brush her hair from her face, wanting to pull her in for a kiss but instead, my hand lingers in the air between us.This is weird. What am I doing?

“Oh, fuck…” she repeats. Her eyes become wild as she surveys the bed and my naked chest. “You… and me… last night… we…” She’s struggling to get the words out between her panting breaths, which I understand because before last night we were… friends? Maybe, frenemies? I don’t know, but now I’ve seen her naked and I’m not sure how to stop picturing it.

“Had sex,” I finish for her. “Several times.”

I might be grinning because those sweet memories of her falling apart beneath me are playing on a loop in my head. My dick twitches again.Yeah, I could definitely go another round.

She isn’t smiling, though; in fact, she looks like she might burst the pulsing vein on her forehead. My smile slips and I hesitate for a second. “Wait, was last night not good for you?” I have to ask even though I’m already 99% sure she enjoyed herself. No, actually, Iknowshe enjoyed herself. I never disappoint, and she was extremely vocal with her approval.

Her eyes connect with mine, that vein still popping on her forehead. “Last night was… a mistake,” she says sternly.

I can’t hide the disappointment from my face. For whatever reason, her words hurt more than I thought they would. I mean, it wasn’t like I didn’t expect this. She kept saying it was just sex and only one night, muttering about self-control and boundaries—but all women say that don’t they? And then they change their mind when they wake up. That’s usually when I bolt because those heart eyes freak me the fuck out. But Nora isn’t giving me heart eyes. She looks disappointed. Well, fuck. Thisisa first.

I school my face and tell my semi-hard dick to calm the fuck down because what I want clearly isn’t going to happen. “Okay, no biggie. You want breakfast?” I mask my disappointment at her reaction as I climb out of her bed and stand to the side, completely naked.

Her eyes eat up every inch of my bare, inked skin like she’s reconsidering her decision to not go another round. I’m confused by her mixed signals; blaring red lights shifting to green, in the space of a second, leaving me with so many questions. Does she want me? Does she want to disappear?Who the hell knows?So, I do what I do best and what our wholefriendshiphas been built on until now; I revert to teasing her. I sway my hips, swinging my still semi-hard dick back and forth. “Like what you see?”

Nora’s cheeks pink slightly before she leaps up from her bed, grappling at her bedsheet to keep herself covered. “Grayson…” she groans with a frown, but I interrupt her again.

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m getting dressed. Eggs for breakfast?” I sigh as I locate my boxers across the room, ignoring the weird feeling in my chest. I pick up my black shirt and push both arms into the sleeves before tugging on my now very crumpled black chinos and walking downstairs.

The first thing I do in her kitchen is search for the kettle. I’ve only been here a few times and I have no idea where anything is. When I spot it resting on the worktop, I flick it on to make a coffee because, now I’m upright, I realise how exhausted my body actually is from last night.

I rifle through cupboards in search of mugs. Just as I close one filled with plates, Nora appears on the other side of the kitchen island wearing some tiny sleep shorts and an equally tiny vest top. I let my eyes scan over her petite, toned body, her shoulder length dark–almost black–hair, her full lips that I had wrapped around my…fuck no, I need to stop. I clear my throat. “Coffee?” I ask, turning away from her.

“Please, mugs are up on your left,” she replies, just as her phone rings. “Jess? Why are you whispering?” As she walks out into the hallway to talk to her sister, I make the coffee, not really sure how she takes hers, so I opt for milk and no sugar for now. Nora paces back and forth past the door as she chats to Jess. Trying to stop myself from watching her body move and unable to wait any longer for food, I go on the hunt. When I find the little wooden house that clearly says ‘eggs’ on the worktop is empty, I sulk.

“What self-respecting household doesn’t have eggs?” I shout loud enough that Nora stops in the hallway and shrieks ‘No’ down the phone. I smile as I open the fridge door, knowing full well she’s going to be scowling at me.

“This is the saddest fuckin’ fridge I’ve ever seen,” I say, closing it and opening another cupboard that’s filled with all sorts of fancy pasta. “And why do you have so much pasta?” I close the cupboard door, feeling the fury Nora is directing at me without even looking at her and I’m right because when I finally do lock eyes with her, her cheeks are red, and her lips are tightly pressed together with rage.

Scowling, Nora gets my blood pumping. Fuck, she’s hot.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she squeals, slicing her finger across her neck as if she’ll kill me if I make another sound. It’s too cute, so I just smile smugly at her, throwing her a wink for good measure.

“A guy puts out and you can’t even provide eggs?” I say far too loudly given how closely we’re standing now, only the island separating us. She turns and ignores me, but I’m just not having it. My need to push her buttons is far too strong because it’s safe territory for us, it’s what we do. My favourite pastime is winding her up because she bites. “Nora!” I call out.

She spins back to face me, her face alight with fury, as she presses the phone against her chest. Her pointy finger comes and is aimed straight at me as she steps forwards. “Oh my God, shit for brains, stop talking.” She huffs out her annoyance and returns the phone to her ear as she walks away.

My grin couldn’t be wider. She makes it way too easy to get under her skin. This, I can handle, the back and forth we have that’s familiar whilst she gets more and more annoyed with me until she explodes. This is what our relationship has always been. From the moment I met her, when Liam started dating Jess a couple months ago, I wanted her, but she kept me on my toes, until last night when she put me on my back. So, I don’t know what to do with this fascination my dick seems to have with her now because this wasn’t supposed to be what we do. Oh, and would you look at that? Right on cue, he’s chubbing back up.Down, you horn dog.

I distract myself and my dick and after a few minutes of searching, I’ve found some bacon, and it’s cooking away in front of me when Nora comes back into the kitchen. “Jess doing okay?” I ask about her sister, knowing she’s having family issues, although Liam hasn’t told me everything, I know that’s why I’ve been covering for him at work this week. Honestly, I don’t mind. I’ll do anything for my best mate and boss, but I definitely don’t want to piss him off… maybe last night was a bad idea.
