Page 39 of All Of My Firsts

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After a pit stop at the salon to have our hair done, we came back to the house to get ready. My hair bounces in a blowout and I love it.

The boys from Liam’s stag party are trailing behind as a hostess, wearing a black jumpsuit, takes us down a winding staircase to the back of the club. My nerves are heightened knowing Grayson is near me, but I’m actively trying to ignore those feelings right now. Laughter echoes off the walls as we descend. Everyone is happy, and that is all that matters tonight.

The hostess stops us in front of a huge metal door where she swipes a key card. My jaw drops as the door opens, giving us a view of the women performing on the stage; leggy, gorgeous, and half naked. I knew I’d see plenty of flesh tonight, but I guess I hadn’t given itthatmuch thought.

I cast my eyes over the room. There are dim corners that look empty, but they definitely aren’t, I’m guessing from the brief glimpses of skin that peek out from the shadows, it’s clients getting private dances. It’s weird to be so exposed to this sort of thing. It’s like you shouldn’t be watching, but you can’t stop.

“You fancy giving me one of those, shorty?” Grayson whispers, his voice deep and seductive as he pulls me flush against his chest from behind. “I’d kill to see you grinding on my lap, you know.” I suck in as much air as I can because I need to keep my cool around him tonight. Too many assessing eyes.

Somehow, I manage to stop the shallow breathing before it starts, which feels like a lot of effort because his hand is wrapped around my waist, burning a hole through my short, dark green, silky dress. I turn my head slightly so I can see the profile of his face. “Not in a million years, ponyboy,” I taunt, then stride away from him but Zoey stops me with a shit-eating smile. She looks straight behind me to where I know Grayson still stands.

“Hey pretty boy, have you seen the new paint job in Nora’s hallway?”Oh god, kill me now. No, second thoughts, kill Zoey.I tug her arm trying to encourage her away from him, but she won’t budge. Ican’tturn around. Iwon’tturn around to see his face.

“Can’t say I was looking at the paint last time I was in her hallway,” he says smugly. Now I want God to kill him too.

“Oh really? Such a shame, I guess that means you’ll have to go back and check it out another time.”

“Zoey!” I hiss harshly, unable to stop myself.

He steps behind me, his chest grazing my back as he dips his head to my ear. I'm hot all over, like a fever has just struck me. “Let me know if you need help… redecorating any other rooms. I happen to be really good with my hands.”And your tongue and your dick. No, bad girl.

Zoey laughs maniacally, snapping my eyes to her again. I grab her hand and forcefully yank her away from Grayson this time, ignoring his offer and my rapid heart beating everywhere.

“Girl, he has it bad for you.” Zoey says linking our arms.

“He does not,” I protest weakly. “Also, what the fuck was that back there?”

“Fun is what it was. You’re living in denial if you think you won’t go home with that sex God tonight,” she giggles as we arrive at the bar, and she orders us all a round of shots.

I can’t go home with him tonight. My logical brain won’t let me. I’m going home with Jess and Liam to our house. Not Grayson’s flat. No way. It was definitely a fling that has flung, and we do not need to fling anything anymore. I just need to tell him that it won’t happen again. It doesn’t matter how much I might want it to.

Zoey passes me a shot and I down it along with everyone else just before we’re shown to a private section with a large booth where several bottles of champagne sit in ice buckets on the low table in the middle.

“The dancers will be out in around ten minutes. If you need anything in particular just flag me down and I’ll get it for you,” the stunning hostess says before she leaves us. We settle into the sofa. Jess’ colleague Kylie and her girlfriend have joined me, Zoey, and Jess. Whilst Liam and Grayson are joined by Zoey’s twin brothers, Max and Owen, apparently another guy friend of theirs is coming later too.

As we pour the drinks, we all chat loudly, trying to be heard above the music blaring out, two men without shirts approach the table. One of them, who looks like Channing Tatum, veers off to another table; the second one looks like a sexy Viking. Zoey instantly grips my hand and squeals, “I want them both. At the same time, please and thank you, sir.”

I giggle at her confession. They’re both gorgeous and ripped, but neither are really doing anything for me. “Hey beautiful, are you the bride?” The Viking comes up to me and immediately traps me against the sofa with his huge arms on either side of my head. I swallow hard, my eyes flicking everywhere but at his naked, oiled chest. When I catch sight of Grayson sitting on the opposite sofa, his jaw is clenched and ticking as he watches our exchange, making me wonder what is going through his head exactly.

“She’s the bride,” I tell the Viking, pointing to Jess next to me.

“I’ll be back for you later then,” he murmurs against my ear before moving over towards Jess. I watch Liam’s eyes bug out as a scantily clad woman straddles him and Jess is lumbered with the Viking, and I have to stifle a chuckle. They’re both in hell and it’s very amusing to watch.

More women appear and one of them immediately recognises Grayson. She saunters over to him in her red, barely-there bikini and perfectly curled blonde hair, leans over him, and whispers into his ear. My skin feels hot and itchy, like I want to crawl out of it, as I watch her hand rise up his leg and graze his crotch. He smiles as she talks to him, standing right next to him, practically trying to straddle him, and that’s far too close for anyone who needs to have a conversation with someone.

My feet push me to stand before my brain can compute and I’m striding towards the bar, wondering why I was having such a reaction to someone touching myfriendlike that.

Why could I hulk out and drag that girl off him? I can’t sit and watch someone else touch him. But why? How have I got myself here? I’ve gone from a normal, slightly straight edged woman who was determined to keep things platonic between Grayson and me, to possessive and feral, desperate to claim someone who was never mine in the first place.

I flag down the bartender and order a shot of tequila, and that’s when I feelhimbehind me. His hot, firm body presses into me deliciously, and his warm scent encases me, trapping me between him and the bar. I’m exhausted by the way my body seems to constantly scream for him. And by exhausted, I really mean keen, desperate, and needy, of course.

His hands rest on either side of me, griping the bar as he lowers his head to my ear and nibbles ever so slightly. My head lolls to the side lazily, giving him more access to my neck. He burrows his nose into my hair and inhales, sending fireworks erupting all over my too-hot skin.

“Jealousy looks good on you, shorty,” he hums.

“I’m not jealous,” I lie, my voice sounding far too croaky.

“You looked it.” He runs his nose up my neck, causing my skin to burn like a bonfire in the wake of his touch.
