Page 54 of All Of My Firsts

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This is starting to feel far too much like a relationship. The worst part? I like it. Too much. I wonder how he feels about this, about us. We’ve stayed over more than a few times a week and he’s not freaking out. He’s really trying for me, for us. God, that gets me. I feel a pang of something in my chest and will it down for now.

“You know, a girl might get used to someone cooking them dinner and buying them flowers,” I say, gesturing around the room.

“Oh yeah? Someone or me?” He leans over the counter in front of me, urging me to move towards him and like a magnet I do.

“Hmm, as long as he cooks and gives mind blowing orgasms, I don’t think I’d be that picky.” I’m close enough to kiss him but I don’t.

“Mind blowing, huh?” His breath tickles my lips as he speaks.


I won’t give in and kiss him first. We’re both stubborn at the core and if he knows anything about me, it’s that I like to win. “Well, I guess then if it could be anyone, I’ll just pack my things and go,” he sighs.

Fine, let’s play. My pulse hammers in my chest, but I force every emotion to stay below the surface again.

“Okay, bye,” I say, smiling sweetly, knowing he definitely won’t leave his own flat.

“Nora,” he warns.

I bat my eyelashes at him innocently. “Yes, ponyboy?”

His breathing changes, it quickens to a speed that tells me he’s begging his body to practise some restraint still and it sends heat to my core. I live for that hot tingle that starts low in my belly, creeping up through my nipples, snaking around my neck and finally diving straight down to my sex.

“Fuck,” he says, his voice deep and throaty as he stalks over to me. His lips land on mine passionately as his hand pulls me, almost lifting me onto the kitchen worktop, bristling when the cool surface seeps through my leggings. His tongue pushes into my mouth and he groans when he tastes the mint I just finished. When he pulls away his eyes are like the sky before a storm hits, grey and black swirl together, drawing me into him.

I grin triumphantly. Something flashes across his face, and it hits directly between my breastbones. I rub the area that aches. “So, you’re cooking?”

“You’re a regular Sherlock, aren’t you?” he retorts, playfully.

“Right, of course you’re cooking. I knew, I mean I know that. I didn’t realise youcouldcook. You’ve only ever made me toasties and freaked out over cracking eggs,” I say as his eyebrows raise in amusement at me.

“For the record, this pasta is the only thing I’m actually good at cooking from scratch and I’m sorry I’m not an egg cracking ninja like you.”

I’m practically shimmering with happiness, feeling all sorts of feelings tonight, and I need to get a handle on them. Fuck, how am I here? And what exactly am I feeling right now? I decide not to think about it right this second and just enjoy the moment.

“I got you something today,” he says, not looking up at me.

“You did?”

“Over there on the kitchen table.” He nods towards the corner where I see an envelope with my name on it. As I pick it up, running my fingers over the seam that’s not fully sealed, I pause.

“Wait, is this some sort of trick present? An empty envelope? Or maybe you’ve filled it with those annoying sequins that’ll pop out when I open it?”

Grayson chuckles as he stops stirring the food and turns to face me with a heart-stopping look on his handsome face. His arms cross over his body, alerting me to the fact that his veins are obviously feeling slutty today as they pop against his tattooed skin. “Just open it, shorty.”

The mixture of lust and that nickname, that I’m ashamed to admit has grown on me a lot, makes my eyes roll as I lift the seam and pull out two tickets.

I scan over them and my mind reels. “You got me tickets to a festival?” Looking in more detail, my eyes widen. “You got me tickets to Glastonbury?” I shriek, catapulting myself towards him. Thankfully, he catches me under my thighs and keeps me steady against him as I litter his face with kisses and whispered thank you’s.

When I pull back after showering him with affection, the look on his face makes me feel all warm inside. “Thank you, Grayson,” I say once more.

“You’re welcome. I got you two tickets, but you don’t have to take me. You can take Zoey. Pretty sure Jess and Liam are on their honeymoon so, I didn’t get them tickets.”

I wiggle in his hold, signalling for him to let me down. He does reluctantly, but when my feet hit the floor, I move my hands to his face to make sure he hears me. “I want to go with you,” I say, meaning every word.

A hint of a blush ghosts across his cheek and he side eyes me bashfully. It’s so adorable and it boggles my mind how I’ve managed to make this confident, adventurous man feel something like this.

“I’d like that,” he replies.
