Page 55 of All Of My Firsts

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Something shifts in the air between us. Being open and vulnerable isn’t usually what we do together, but the tone of his voice was soft and unlike his usual banter that he voices so easily, that I can’t help thinking if there’s something more happening here. Is he feeling things like I am tonight? And that leads me to another thought: will it scare him to realise that maybe there is more to us than just a casual fling?

Pushing those thoughts away for now, I ask him, “how long until dinner? I’m just going to wash up.” I hike my thumb over my shoulder and my body does a weird awkward backwards wobble that I know I’ll hate myself for later.

Grayson just chuckles. “Thirty minutes.”

“Perfect.” I stop and whirl around to face him once more. “How did you know sweet peas were my favourite flowers? Did you ask Jess?” Another reason why my heart is galloping in my chest over him; he’s the first man to every buy me flowers.

“I remembered your favourite colour is white and the night in the lift you said specifically white, like sweet peas. I honestly had no idea what they were, but the florist did so yeah…” He looks down at the food, frowning as though he isn’t sure he should be admitting all of this to me. “… it’s no big deal.” He says that a lot, that things aren’t a big deal when they are, the smallest things he does always have me spinning and he doesn’t even realise.

Gratitude and something else that I can’t name flutters in my chest. “Thank you… they’re beautiful,” I say before heading to the back ensuite bathroom to try and calm these new emotions flickering inside me.

I shower quickly, head back into his bedroom in a towel when I notice Grayson, still topless, lying out flat on his bed.

“Uhh, what are you doing?” He looks at me expectantly, kicking up my temperature a few degrees.

“Making you a seat, you can choose my face or my cock. But right now, I really hope you choose my face, because it’s all I’ve been able to think about since you walked in.”

Oh. Jesus. Wept.

My legs almost give way, my mouth gapes, and my brain is somewhere melted in the corner of the room. This man is going to ruin me if he hasn’t already.

He crooks his fingers summoning me, and as if by some magical pull that I have zero control over, my body floats towards him.

Stopping in front of him, he gestures to my towel. “Drop the towel, shorty,” he purrs. I do exactly that and am rewarded with an appreciative groan from him. “Fuck, yes.”

I crawl up his body until I straddle his hips and his fingers dig deliciously into the skin on my hips.

He quirks an eyebrow when I pause my movements at his chest. “Come. Sit,” he demands. “Well, actually I’d rather you sit first, then come.” I hesitate, shuffling higher, hovering over him. “I’m offering you a chance to ride my face and shut me up. I thought you’d jump at the opportunity. You’ve got ten minutes until dinner.” He taps the face of his watch and winks.

I will my body to move upwards towards his face and he moans as I approach. His body shuffles further down the bed until he is perfectly underneath me. His eyes crinkle into a smile as he takes me in. “Fuck, you’re pretty when you’re wet.” I stifle a laugh and he shoots me a devious look. “I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to her, and she knows exactly what she wants. So come the fuck on, shorty. Sit. Now.”

So, I do. I ride his face until I come so hard, I see stars and he is completely satisfied that I’ll never use the word ‘okay’ again when talking about our sex life.

Chapter 25


I’velearnedthatwhenGrayson King sets his mind to something, he’s determined and absolutely unrelenting. The man has given me more orgasms in the last week than I’ve had in my lifetime. I’ve been constantly satisfied by him. He’s insatiable. But I find myself searching for hidden parts of him that’ll let me connect with him on a deeper level. The Grayson I’ve got to know isn’t just a playboy. I’m beginning to see a softer side to him, and I want more.

Focussing on the task in front of me, I pick up a box from Jess’ room that says, ‘stuff I’m stealing from Nora’. Of course it does—typical Jess. Ever since we were kids, we’ve shared everything, so not telling her about me and Grayson makes me feel like I might break out in hives at any moment.

“Oh, you weren’t meant to see that box.” She blushes and takes it from me.

“You think I don’t know you’re stealing from me? I knew you and your sticky fingers would take something of mine.” I bump her hip and her blush fades into a smile, showing me her dimple.

Jess and I have lived together since we were kids. When her mum disappeared, she was officially moved in with us and we all relocated to Kent. Then, after university, Jess and I moved back to London together. There’s a funny tight feeling in my chest that is telling me this next stage of our lives might be the first thing we’ve not actually done together. My eyes sting as tears threaten to fall. I think about the fact that she’s holding a box that is full of my crap and I’m not even mad. I want her to have it because from today onwards, stealing my things is going to become a lot harder. Not impossible. I mean, she’s only moving a couple of streets away, but still, there’s change afoot, and that’s a little scary.

“Hey, hey, don’t you dare cry. You’ll set me off.” But it’s too late. We are both pushing out our bottom lips, our eyes full of unshed tears. I can barely see her through the blurry haze. We both let out a sob at the same time, which actually helps because in the next breath we’re laughing just as Liam comes around the corner into their old bedroom.

“Oh…” He freezes. He’s always been the worst with crying women. He gets all flustered. Which is what is happening right now. He twirls around looking for God knows what, and the look on his face is pure fear and panic. A bubble of laughter erupts from my chest, watching him lose his mind.

“Liam, it’s fine, we’re fine. Just sad.”

He deflates in front of me, dragging his hands over his face, the fear disappearing, and he grabs us both into one of his famous bear hugs. “I hate seeing my girls cry.” He rubs our shoulders and then squeezes us. My eyes burn once more as more thoughts of being alone in this house flood my mind. The fact that they won’t be here if I need a cuddle might sting the most.

I pull back, fighting the rising lump in my throat to smile at Liam. “Let’s get you two in your new house, shall we?”

Seven hours can really feel like seven days when you’re moving house. Or moving someone else’s house to be more accurate. If I could sleep standing up I would. My feet feel like lead, my arms are jelly, and my back is in bits. I need a long, hot soak in my tub and a glass of wine.
