Page 6 of All Of My Firsts

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“Oh, shorty, I know plenty about being an adult. I’m a fully grown man and I know plenty about pleasing women, too. C’mon, I know you haven’t forgotten.” Because I sure as fuck haven’t. “If you ever need to put your books into practice, I’m all yours.” I wink, watching as the crimson spreads across her face, lighting her up like a goddamn rocket. Judging by the deep set of her brows and fury pooling in her eyes, I’d say that she’s about ready to blast off.

“More like man-child,” she mutters angrily under her breath, but I hear a hint of desire in her tone. Of course, me being me, I want to push more.

“So, tell me more about what makes you hot. Aside from me, of course.”

Her eyes snap to me again as she slaps her book shut. “You know you’re incredibly annoying.”

Yes. Yes, I do. I revel in her annoyance. This is what I live for, her reaction to me, because she bites, every time.Thisis why I’m drawn to her; the challenge.

“Come on, tell me about your smutty books. I want to know your kinks.”

“Oh, my God.” She buries her face into her hands and the flush on her face peeks out from behind her fingers.I love it.

“Don’t be shy now, Nora.”

“Please stop. I’m begging you,” she pleads, keeping her head buried.

“Okay, begging is a kink I can get on board with. I know you liked—”

Her head snaps up, a few pieces of hair have escaped her ponytail and whisp around her delicate face. “Don’t finish that sentence. We are not taking a trip down memory lane.” Her eyes glaze over for a second and I know I’ve got her thinking about that night. God, what I’d do to reach out and kiss the living shit out of her right now. I almost do, but then she adds. “I’d rather not remember that night.” Her voice wobbles and has absolutely no conviction whatsoever.

“Oh, c’mon. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” I offer, hoping she’ll take the bait. Instead, she picks up her book and continues to ignore me, not an ounce of amusement on her face.

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore. So, if you are going to sit there, please be quiet.”

I grumble. I like annoying her. It’s kind of like annoying your teacher at school, and they continually get irritated with you until they either ignore you or send you to detention. Well, if Nora reads smutty books, I think I’m interested in her version of detention.

“Actually,” she says, abruptly snapping her book shut. “You know what, now you’re obviously not leaving me alone, we need to talk.”

God, she really is being a grump today. Maybe I’ve pushed her too far, or maybe not enough–maybe she’s about to crack and give in, and that annoys her. I have no idea. I should be annoyed at her cockiness, but I’m more turned on than anything else.

“Oh yeah? Finally going to admit you want me again?”

She scoffs, “that’s cute,” and then bops my nose. “No, I was hoping to get a head start on the planning for Jess’ hen do. But I wondered if we could end the evening in the same club or something.”

“If this is just an excuse to spend more time with me—”

Nora interrupts me by pushing two fingers to my lips, the contact making me tingle all over. “I’m going to stop you right there. They’re our best friends and I want to do this for them, with or without you. So, tell me now if you want to help.”

I chuckle. “Okay fine, I’ll help. What do you need?” I shift my legs so one of them is on the sofa between us. When my leg catches hers, she locks onto the contact and bites her lip. I almost outwardly groan, because that action sends me a little crazy and I want to be the person to bite that lip. When our eyes meet, I know she feels it too. Her cheeks flush, her breathing is shallow, and she’s got the same desire filled look she hadthatnight.

The moment is interrupted by Jess and Liam walking into the room. “What were you two talking about?” Jess asks. “Nor, you look so shifty over there.”

Nora swallows and flicks an unsure look at me. “Well, we were actually talking about your hen party.”

Jess and Liam share a look that tells me this whole thing might be dead in the water. “We were actually thinking about having a joint one,” Liam says.

I shoot him a look that says, ‘Dude, what the fuck?’ but he just ignores me.

“I mean, we’re getting married in a few months so, planning something big isn’t really an option. Plus, we don’t want big. We want to spend it together. We’ve spent enough time apart,” Jess says. It’s true, they spent ten years apart and I can see why they want to do more things together, but still, there go my dreams of watching Liam freak out in a strip club.

Nora tucks a strand of her dark hair that’s fallen from her ponytail, behind her ear. “Do you still want me to plan it?”

“We wondered if you and Grayson wouldn’t mind doing it together?” Liam replies. “If you want to, that is. There’s really no pressure.”

Oh, now we’re talking.

“I’m good with that. You are too, right, shorty?” I ask, earning an unmistakably flustered look from Nora.
