Page 5 of All Of My Firsts

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“Oh,” she blurts out flatly.

Not exactly the warmest greeting, but not the worst either. She’s been known to scoff at my presence before, so, this might be an improvement. I haven’t seen her for almost three weeks… not that I’m counting or anything, and she’s a sight for sore eyes.

“Hey shorty,” I reply, letting my lips tip upwards into a smirk that I know infuriates her.

Her eyes narrow as she looks at me, little sparks of fury form in her caramel irises, sending a hit of serotonin straight into my veins. “You’re here… for dinner?” Her tone is almost accusatory as her arms cross over her body, accentuating her breasts beneath her thin blouse. The masochist that I am, I can’t help but sneak a peek. My deviant mind wanders back to that night and how it felt stripping her out of a blouse very similar to that. The way her back arched when I bit her rosy nipples. Her tight grip in my hair as she begged for more… Oh fuuuuuck, she’s so hot. I clear my throat, which has become thick with need.

“That’s the plan. Unless you’ve got something else I can eat.” I let my eyes devour every inch of her body, licking my lips equally as slowly, pushing her buttons in my favourite way. But also torturing myself because now I’m fighting a semi at the memory of her.

Watching her squirm and blush always makes my blood pump faster. I like the fact that she resists me; she makes me work for it, not giving into me easily. Even her snarky comments turn me on.

She’s not afraid to tell me what she thinks of me It’s kind of like foreplay, but instead of getting to kiss it all better, like I got to do that one night, I’m usually met with her prickly side. She’s like a cactus, and I’m the idiot who likes to see how spikey she is but, no matter how much it hurts, I never learn not to touch.

“Nope. Not today, Satan.” She pops thepwhen she says nope, as she stomps to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water. She opens it and downs the contents, and I watch with intrigue as her throat bobs and my dick perks up again, remembering exactly how it felt when she swallowed down every drop of me.Fuck, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.I blame my lack of sex for these horn dog thoughts occupying my brain.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a naughty sex daydream, but they shouldn’t include her. The one person who all but threw me out of her bed, insulting my sex skills.

Besides, I don’t want a relationship, I have no interest in marriage or monogamy and Nora screams ‘I want to settle down’, with her sensible pencil skirts, perfectly styled hair, shoes without a single scuff, and a personal planner (who even uses them anymore?) that’s stuffed full of lists and all sorts of boring relationship things, I’m sure.

That’s enough of a reason for me to stay clear, but there is also the fact that the one person I never want to push out of my life happens to be her future brother-in-law, so, it can only ever be that one night.

“So, dinner, shall we order in?” Liam suggests as he opens his phone to a delivery app whilst simultaneously burying his face into Jess’ neck as he continues to talk. “Chinese, Indian, Italian, Thai… someone stop me when I say something they want.”

What I want is to not have a front row seat to your canoodling,I think to myself.But we can’t all be picky. Especially since I’m not planning on paying for dinner tonight.

“I could eat pizza,” Jess announces, and I watch Liam nibble her neck and she giggles as a frown forms on my face.

“Will you two stop eating each other for one second, please?” Honestly, seeing two people so in love is pretty foreign to me at the best of times. My parents were the least touchy-feely people. It didn’t help that they hated each other for the majority of their marriage, either.

Liam carries on like he hasn’t heard me, but throws up his middle finger in my direction. “Okay, baby, pizza it is,” he kisses her mouth quickly and asks what toppings Nora and I want. When we both saymeat feast, Nora shoots me a glare as though we’re not allowed to like the same pizza.

“I’ve got some meat for you, shorty; we can share that too.” I’m dying to add that she already knows what my meat tastes like, but I stop myself. I did promise not to tell Jess and Liam. But watching her face colour while she seems to silently fluster over my words is all the satisfaction I need.

“Yeah, meat you’d share with me and half of London’s female population. No, thank you.” She turns to face Liam as she begins to back out of the kitchen. “Actually, I think I’ll have the vegetarian pizza. The thought of meat is making my stomach turn.” She looks directly at me as she leaves the room.

She really is extra prickly tonight.

A few minutes later, I leave Liam in the kitchen eating Jess’ face. There are only so many times you can break those two apart before you know it’s time to leave them to it.

When I step into their living room, I see Nora sitting on their cream two seater sofa. Her dark hair is now tied up into a ponytail and she’s staring intently at a book like it holds the holy grail. I move towards the space next to her, letting her sweet scent drift over to me as I sit. Dipping my head sideways, I read the title of her book.Pleasing Mr Parker.Well, I don’t know who this Mr Parker is or why he needs pleasing but colour me intrigued.

“You’re staring,” she whispers as she keeps her eyes firmly on her book, shifting in her seat.

Iamstaring. Partially at her, the way her legs are tucked underneath her tiny frame, making her look smaller somehow, which is a feat because she’s pretty much an entire foot shorter than my six-foot-four body I’m watching her eyes scan over the words, not missing the infrequent lilt of her mouth when she obviously reads something she likes.

There’s no denying that she intrigues me, although I wish to hell she didn’t. I like the disdain she throws my way, but I like that I’m getting to glimpse a different side of her like this; quiet, less quippy, more… her. I’m drawn to her, and I can’t figure out why – is it because she’s forbidden fruit? It can’t be because I’ve tasted her, and fuck, is she the sweetest fruit. But I still can’t explain why I have this desire to be around her. I’ve not seen her properly for a while and seeing her now is like getting a drink of water on a hot day.

“What’cha reading?” I ask, scanning the front of her book before she can reply. “Dude is ripped on that front cover.”

Her laugh is light, almost as though she could find me funny. The noise settles in the air around us. “He is, huh? Do you need to use him for inspiration?” she mocks and fuck, here I go again, getting a buzz in my veins for her snarky arse. Her gaze leaves the book, and her caramel eyes darken as they trawl over my body it shouldn’t get me hot, but it does. It feels like she’s undressing me without touching me, and my entire body burns for her.

“I don’t need him for inspiration, shorty. I know you remember what’s under the hood,” I say confidently, as I pull up my t-shirt, revealing a sneak peak of my abs. My grin only grows wider when her breathing stutters and she pulls her book closer, hiding her face from me entirely, leaving a hot ripped guy on the cover of the book facing me. “Whyisthat guy naked anyway?”

She lowers the book, turning it to look at the cover herself. “This is a romance book, so the guys are sometimes shirtless on the cover, to… enhance the contents of the novel…” She drifts off, regret pouring into her expression as she looks at me, probably hoping I don’t catch on but it’s too late.

My eyebrows shoot upwards to meet my hairline. “You’re reading porn,” I shout a little too loudly.

Her eyes widen like saucers as she pins me with a look that could burn, fumbling through the words erupting at speed from her mouth. “It’s not porn. It’s a contemporary adult romance book. Keyword there beingadult,something you’d know nothing about.”
