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Gary ignored the EMT. “Do you know when I’ll be able to get back inside?”

“Give your contact information to the officers. We’ll be in touch.”

With a final nod, he turned and strode back toward the kitchen, where his team was wrestling more pieces of Gary’s oven out the door.

“Well,” Gary said tartly, “thatwasn’t precisely informative.”

The EMT, whose name—M. Courtland—was embroidered on her shirt, chuckled. “That’s because he doesn’t know. Now, my partner’s already cleared your co-worker… Peyton, is it?”

Gary tensed. “They’re okay then? I thought they’d left before the smoke got too bad, butanyof that smoke was too much.”

“They’re fine.” She chuckled. “And feeling good enough to flirt with my partner.”

Gary winced, squinting one eye. “Do I need to apologize for my employee’s behavior?”

“Nah,” she said. “It’s just what the grumpy cuss needs.” She leaned forward. “I actually saw him smile, which hasn’t happened since the premier ofStrange New Worlds. But like I said, Peyton's fine. You two need to be checked out as well, though.”

“She’s right.” Finn pushed Gary forward. “You go.”

Gary propped his fists on his hips and glared up at Finn. “I’mnot the one who’s hacking up a lung in the middle of the street.”

“I’m no—” Another coughing fit prevented Finn from lying outright. Once he caught his breath, he narrowed his eyes. He glanced at Courtland. “You said you’ve got a partner, right?” At her nod, he met Gary’s glare with one of his own. “I’ll go if you go.”

Gary heaved a sigh loaded with exasperation and long-suffering. “Fine.”

“Okay, then. I’ll—” He coughed again and Gary pushed him forward.

Courtland took Finn’s arm and grinned at Gary. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of him.”

“Let’s go.”

Gany didn’t bother to look around at the gruff order, even when the speaker took his arm, his gaze fixed on Finn as Courtland all but frog-marched him down the street.

As he was led away, Gany kept his attention fixed on Finn until he was seated on the back of the open ambulance.

Wait a minute.

If the ambulance was overthere, getting farther away with every stumbling step as Courtland’s grumpy partner hauled Gany along in his wake, then…

He dug in his heels and finally looked around. The tall, broad-shouldered figure in the blue EMT uniform who was towing him along the sidewalk had averyfamiliar halo of gold-tipped black curls.

“Apollo,” Gany hissed. “What in hades areyoudoing here?”

The ersatz EMT glanced back irritably, and yep, it really was Apollo. The sun god’s unmistakable high-bridged nose made it extra easy for him to look down it at those beneath him—which, as far as he was concerned, was everybody, especially Gany.

“Don’t cause a scene, Ganymede. Just come on.”

“Don’t cause ascene? This is the second time today one of you lousy Olympians has tried to grab me.”

Apollo smirked at Gany with his stupid, perfect face. “I think not.”

“No? Yoursistershowed up at TD and Lonnie’s place, expressly against the terms of your plea deal with the Fates, and almost yanked me off my feet.”

A frown marred his wide brow. “I wasn’t disagreeing about the grab, only about the count. She wasn’t the first and I’m not the second.”

Gany frowned. “You mean Eros?”

Apollo’s square jaw tightened. “Eros was here? Damn. I didn’t think he’d move that fast.”
