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“Do for me? Remus’s balls, Tanner, you shouldn’t have to do anything for me, not after the way I treated you for almost our whole lives.”


“I’m so sorry for that. I can’t excuse my behavior, and I wouldn’t blame you if you never forgave me—”


“—but I want you to know that I’m ready to do whatever you say, whatever you ask of me, to try to make amends. If you want me to leave, go far away, never speak to you—”


Finn sucked in a breath, his instinct to sink down and bare his throat almost overwhelming, even though Tanner’s alpha authority was dimmed by Finn’s lousy cell phone speaker.Gods,he must be lethal in person.


“We’re even.”

“What? We can’t be.”

“Finn.” Tanner’s tone was patient, even kind. “You saved my life. You took two bullets for me.”

“Yeah, but I didn’tknowthat would happen!”

“You suspectedsomethingwould happen. You knew Patrick better than I did, although it’s clear neither one of us really knew him at all.”

Finn swallowed thickly. “I was always trying to be good enough for him, you know? And since I never seemed to measure up, and I couldn’t exactly take my frustrations out onhim, I visited all my resentment on you. I’m really sorry about that. You didn’t deserve any of that shit, especially since you weren’t trying to curry his favor, anyway. He was just…”

“Grooming me?” Tanner said. “Lulling me? Fattening me up for eventual slaughter?”

“Yeah. That. All of that.”

Tanner sighed. “Look, revenge has never really been my thing. I’m ready to call us more than square, especially if you’re ready to move on and not victimize anyone anymore. I can’t answer for anybody else, but you and me? We’re good. Okay?”

The band that had constricted his chest since he’d realized what an asshole his father was finally eased. “Yeah. Okay. I’d like to catch up with you sometime. Find out how you’re doing.Whatyou’re doing. All that shit.”

“I’d like that,” Tanner said softly. “I’ll give you a call once I’m back in Portland and we’ll set something up. Sound cool?”

“Absolutely. And Tanner?”



Another chuckle. “Don’t mention it, Finn. After all, we’re pack. We’ve always been pack. Nothing will change that.”

The call ended, and Finn looked down at the pups, who were gazing up at him, tails wagging, tongues lolling. Ozzie nudged the pitiful remains of a Frisbee toward Finn’s feet.

“If we’re gonna keep playing this game, guys, I’m gonna need to get somebody to bespell a few Frisbees, so you don’t destroy them so fast.” He patted each of their heads. “I doubt whether a protective enchantment from any spell-caster—witch, druid, or elemental mage—could stand up to your teeth, but maybe at least they could delay the inevitable.”


Gary. Had he heard Finn talking about spells? About druids and witches and mages? Fuck, did Garyknowthat Peyton was a witch? Finn’s nose had tagged them for a supe that first day, but in all the time Finn had been haunting Nectar & Ambrosia, Peyton had maintained a totally human demeanor. It was possible Garydidn’tknow, and Finn wasn’t about to out them.

“Um, over here. With the dogs.”

When Gary emerged from around a massive rhododendron, he was smiling wide and bright, but even in the pale moonlight, Finn’s werewolf sight could detect the dark circles under his eyes and the pinch between his brows, as though he hadn’t yet noticed a headache.

He walked right into Finn’s arms.Where he belongs. Finn kissed the top of his head and nuzzled the messy curls.
