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“Things go all right, then?”

Gary looked up at him, beaming. “Soright. I literally couldn’t believe what Mr. Johnson and his crew accomplished.” His brows pinched tighter, deepening the furrow between them. “Although I still don’t know how he could have been on the spot at precisely the right time.” He chuckled. “It’s almost like he could see the future.”

Finn laughed weakly. “Yeah. Funny.” He tilted Gary’s chin up and kissed him. “But you’re exhausted, sweetheart. Come to bed.”

Gary’s eyes widened. “I—”

“Hey. We talked about this. I’m not going to do anything you’re not ready for. I just want to kiss you a little more and then hold you while you sleep.”

Gary’s brow cleared. “That soundsdivine.”

“What time do you need to be back at the bakery?”

“Probably about seven? I’m keeping it closed until Monday. We have all the supplies we need, but all the existing stock was lost. I’ve got a lot of prep to do.”

“So…” Finn kept his tone deliberately casual.Don’t push, don’t push.“Does that mean Peyton and Melina will be able to help you serve the cake?”

“Hey.” Gary captured Finn’s face between his palms. “Youare not off the hook, mister. I still need you. I’mdependingon you.”

Finn smoothed a curl off Gary’s forehead. “You’ve got me. For as long as you need.”Forever. “Now you need to get some rest.”

With dogs bounding ahead of them, they headed for the house, Finn’s arm around Gary’s waist. Once inside, Finn paused long enough to give the pups an alpha glare and point them toward the three oversized dog beds in the corner of the living room. They only whined a little bit before each of them licked the back of his hand and slunk over to settle down, heads on their paws, but eyes still bright.

“Wow,” Gary said. “You’ve really got a way with them.”

Finn shrugged. “Like I said. I’ve got experience with canines. Now come on.”

Gary was so bone-tired that he stood, soft and compliant, while Finn gently undressed him down to his pink designer briefs. “Do you want to take another shower?” They’d both showered after they’d gotten home after the fire, just to purge the stench of smoke off of themselves.

He wrinkled his nose. “I probably should. I must stink.”

Finn nuzzled Gary’s neck, and there it was again. That singular, incredible, seductive scent that had tickled his nose the first time he’d seen Gary behind the cash register.

“You smell just as delicious as you always do. But sometimes a shower can help you relax.”

Gary laughed, leaning his forehead against Finn’s chest. “I may not precisely be relaxed—too much riding on this gig tomorrow—but I don’t think I’ve got the spoons to stand up another minute.”

“Then come here.” Finn lifted Gary and cradled him against his chest.

Gary sighed. “Why do I feel so safe in your arms?”

“Because you are.” He settled Gary in the bed and pulled the blankets up over his shoulders. “I will never,everlet anything bad happen to you.”

“I know,” Gary murmured, his eyes already fluttering closed. “I’ve always known.”

Inside Finn’s chest, right below his heart, his calon blazed, afire with unprecedented certainty.So have I.

He shucked off his own clothes, but left his boxer briefs on, grateful he’d had a chance to do laundry while Gary was at the bakery. He didn’t want Gary to feel the least pressure to give Finn any more than he was ready for.

He slotted himself behind Gary, spooning him, and dropped one last kiss on his nape before he closed his eyes.

But in what seemed like the next instant, he was wide awake, scrambling out of bed. He peered at the digital clock on the nightstand. Almost six.

All three dogs were going nuclear—barking and growling and, judging from the thumps emanating from the living room, throwing themselves against the door. The double-paned glass was tempered, but it wouldn’t stand up to that kind of onslaught for long.

“What’s happening?” Gary said sleepily.

“Something’s got the dogs riled. You stay in bed. I’ll get them settled.”

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