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I shut the window and let my mind wander to a place where Arnie has me pinned against a wall, barking out orders. Maybe he wants me on my knees, on my back, bent over so he can take me hard like an animal.

I bite back a sigh and blow out a heavy breath as I make my way out of the cabin and into the snow. I need the flash of cold air to remind me I’m something other than a sex doll. Right now, that’s all that’s on my mind. It’s a sick cycle of desperation, need, and yearning piled on top of more desperation.

Outside, the world is a thick white blanket of snow, and the oversized snow pants swish as I walk. I’d say we got at least two feet of fresh powder. The pines are heavy with white, and the earth is quiet. That’s the beauty of this area.

I trudge through the path Arnie made out to the shed this morning and grab a red sled that’s leaned against the door. There’s a frayed rope tied to the ends, and I tug it behind me as I walk. This might be the only time all day I’m reminded of anything wholesome, so I soak it in.

The quiet forest around me, the slick sound of the sled sliding over the snow, my boots crunching into the powder… every bit of this moment reminds me of childhood. It’s what I love about Rugged Mountain. It’s the one place on Earth where peace and quiet still exist.

Following through Arnie’s footsteps, I make my way to the forest where the snow is less deep, and the trees tower overhead. The second I see him, my childhood memories fade, and every bit of sexual instinct comes back like a boomerang, destined for my clit.

The whole thing is torturous.

How does he look more handsome outside in the woods? Even amidst trees, he’s huge. An axe in hand, he stands over an already cut tree, his breath a fog surrounding him as he brushes his arm against his forehead.

An already cut tree?He cut the tree already!

“What the hell?” I’m not sure why this upsets me so much. I storm toward him, crunching through the snow. “You didn’t wait for me! I thought we were going to pick one together!”

He barely looks back at me. Instead, he grabs the rope from my hands and pulls the tree toward the sled, piling it on before tossing the axe down with it. “It’s a tree. They all look the same.”

“Theydo notall look the same. Some are sparse, and some are full. Some are tall, and some are short.”

“Well, it’s my cabin, so my tree… right?”

I huff under my breath. “What’s wrong with you this morning? You’re acting like an asshole.”

He drags in a deep breath and pulls the tree up toward the cabin. “You wanted a tree. I cut a tree. You’re supposed to be kidnapped. Do you think every kidnapper does this with their captives?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not kidnapped, Arnie. I’m serious. What’s going on? You never act like this.”

“You can’t leave, can you? I lobbed you over my shoulder. I brought you up here. I’m not letting you leave. Sounds pretty kidnapped to me.”

I laugh. “I’m not kidding. What’s wrong with you? You’ve had a chip on your shoulder all morning.”

He blows out a heavy breath. “You don’t remember last night, do you?”

My heart plummets as I blow out a warm breath, fog circling me. “Last night? What happened last night?”

Oh god! Please tell me I didn’t scream out for him or something.

“You were, ugh, you were dreaming about someone.”

“What? How do you know that?” My breath is heavy, and I can barely breathe.

“You, ugh, I tried to wake you up, but you rolled into me and climbed up on top of me.”

My jaw drops and I stare out into the woods like I’ve just seen a bear. “You’re full of shit.”

“Okay. I’m full of shit.” He drags the sled forward, trudging through the snow as I stay locked in place.

“Wait. Okay, okay… let’s say that did happen. Why are you mad at me?”

He chuckles under his breath and stops, warm breath fogging the tip of his red nose. He adjusts his gloves before talking. “I’m not mad, Grace. Fuck… I’m the furthest thing from mad. I’m fucking frustrated.”

“Why? Why are you frustrated because I had a dream?”

He shakes his head and slogs on through the snow.

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