Page 29 of The Force of Five

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“Come on, Love, we should be going,” Shok says. Placing his hands on Love’s waist, he starts to help her up, when Thor starts growling at him.

“Thor,” the man calls, but to no avail. Looks like the dog does not like the attention being taken off him. “I don’t know what has come over him. He is usually quite good.” Love leans down and talks softly in the dog’s ear, which immediately has him quieting.

“He’s fine. He just loves the attention,” she says to the man. “You are a good owner. Thor loves you.” The man raises his eyebrows and smiles at her statement.

“Well, it was nice meeting you. We need to go,” Trek says as he places his hand behind Hope’s back, guiding her around the man.

“Bye,” I call as I follow them with Drez walking beside me.

“Don’t you think he looked like Beast? But my baby is unique. There is no other animal like him,” Love says in a choked voice. “I wonder how he is doing.”

“He will be fine. We will see him soon,” I hear Shok say. Looking over my shoulder, I see Shok place his arm around Love’s shoulders in a comforting hug. Smiling, I am turning my head forward, when I stumble and would fall if it weren’t for Drez’s quick reflexes. His arm comes across my waist, holding me up, flexing as he pulls me upright.

“Look where you are going,” he mutters.

“Thank you,” I answer, feeling embarrassed of how clumsy I seem; this is the second time he has had to save me from falling over. We continue making our way in silence, the scenery changing the closer we get to my parents’. High trees shade the streets. The houses are bigger and further apart, with big beautiful gardens that can be seen sometimes from the main gate. Flowers are in abundance on flower beds along the road. I hear Hope’s sighs of pleasure every time she sees a new flower that she hasn’t seen before.

“If we keep stopping to smell the flowers every time you see a new one, we will never get there,” Trek mutters when she once again stops next to this beautiful bush filled with purple flowers.

Hope looks up at him and glares. “If you don’t want to wait, then carry on. No one is stopping you,” she says, lifting her head in rebellion.

“Stop being so rebellious,” he mutters.

“Stop being so bossy,” she responds.

“Okay, okay,” Love intervenes as she comes to stand next to Hope. “We need to get to the house soon, Hope. It’s starting to get dark.” Hope sighs, but then she nods and continues making her way down the road. I smile at Trek as I see him shaking his head. I’m sure if no one was around, he would most probably roll his eyes too. At the thought of seeing Trek rolling his eyes, I grin; that is, until Shok stops before two houses down the road.

“Are you saying that you were kicking up a fuss, and meanwhile, we were nearly here?” Hope asks in disbelief as she looks over her shoulder at Trek, but he doesn’t reply as he looks around and then lifts his head, sniffing at the air.

“Can you smell that?” Hope says.

“What?” Shok asks, looking around cautiously.

“My frustration with him,” she says as she glares as Trek, who completely ignores her.

“Something is wrong,” he states.

“You don’t say. Have you only figured that out now?” Hope mutters sarcastically.

“One of these days, I’m going to spank the sass right out of you,” he mutters, glaring at her.

“Really, you and what army?” she asks sweetly.

“I don’t need anyone to help me with a surly child,” he shoots back, which has her placing her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

“Are we going to just stand here the whole day, shooting meaningless words at each other, or are we actually going to try to find out what is going on?” Drez grunts in annoyance, which has Trek lifting his hands in apology. “You were saying that something seems wrong. What can you smell?”

“Well, that is the problem. I can’t scent anything. It’s like there is no one inside.”

I frown. How can there be no one inside? Even if my parents are not in residence, at least the guards would be around.

“Let’s try the tunnels,” Shok murmurs. “If anyone is inside, they won’t know about the tunnels unless they’re the sovereigns or one of the higher guards.” I look at Shok in surprise. I never knew that my parents had tunnels here.

“We should have our weapons here,” Love says as she looks inside and at the empty driveway, again suspicious because I would think that there would be guards at the entrance.

“When we get near the entrance to the tunnel, we can take them. For now, there are still humans who might see us and then call the police, which we don’t want,” Trek mutters as he starts making his way further down the road. My parents have a huge property, as is expected. Just before we get to the end of the wall to their property, Trek veers and walks behind a clump of bushes that are high and hide the wall. Following him, I am surprised to see him place his hand on the brick wall. I can tell that he is trying to sense if there is anyone on the other side, or scent if there are any strange smells.

“Let’s be careful in there. We don’t know what we might find in the tunnel,” Drez states as he hands me my bow that he pulls out of the haversack that Trek acquired when looking for clothes when we arrived. He hands everyone their weapons, which we ready, before Trek moves a brick from the wall, and I see that there is some kind of beaker inside.
