Page 130 of The Royal Gauntlet

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“Magical. You can’t do anythingmagical. He needs a blood transfusion, or something. It didn’t hit his heart. He needs to be okay. He promised me a family. He promised me a football team’s worth of kids and a future together. So, fix him.” I’m gritting my teeth, and when I look from Callie to Xavier, I repeat myself. “Fix him.”

Every word from my mouth breaks, because I know what everyone is thinking is going to happen, but I won’t let this be the end of our story. I need them to believe in him because that’s what he needs. Essos has to feel how badly we all need him so he can fight because I know my husband won’t give up on us without a fight. But everyone has to believe in him just as much.

The muscle in Xavier’s jaw ticks and it’s so like his brother that I feel like I’m being crushed under a tide of grief that I can’t claim yet. Everyone in this room is acting like he’s already gone. Galen takes a step toward me, and I pivot, feeling like a cornered feral cat.

“Godsdamn it.”I clench my fists, honing my anger into something useful, like focus. I look around the room, taking stock of who is here and who isn’t.

“Will you let me set your knee?” Callie asks, reaching toward me. There is still blood, my husband’s blood, on her hands, and I stumble backward.

“Don’t fucking touch me, Callista,” I snarl, glancing around the empty places in the room. “Show yourselves, you fucking cowards. You can’t claim to be Fate or Titans and then not be here when you’re needed. Show yourselves or I’ll make what Posey had planned for life look like a children’s birthday party. I will salt and burn the Earth and dance in the ashes of humanity. I will let the dead rule and the living cower in fear, and if you don’t think I will, you are so very,verywrong.” My voice shakes with rage as I glance around the room, waiting for Esmaray, Octavia, and Lairus to show up. I can understand why the Fates aren’t here, but fuck that. No one will be exempt from my revenge.

The room starts to get darker as shadows creep in, and they’re so like Essos’s shadows that I glance at him, but he’s still unconscious. The realization that I’m causing them almost forces me to fold in half because it’s a stark reminder that a part of him continues to live in me, both with the power shared during our wedding and our child.

This can’t be the end.This can’t be the end.

Not when we’ve just found each other again and were about to find peace.

I can barely see through the tears in my eyes. Silence lingers in the room, waiting to see what happens.

“Well, this is unexpected.”

We all turn in the direction of the male voice, currently shrouded in darkness. It’s not Lairus, but if whoever it is will help, they will be welcome. The man steps out from the shadows and into the room, and nearly everyone physically recoils.

“Daddy?” Helene asks, thunderstruck.

Titus gives her a pitying smile. “In the flesh. What have we here?”

“I saw you die. I was covered in your blood. I was the only one that mourned you.” Helene’s voice cracks as her shoulders turn in on themselves.

Kai comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her to his chest. She has the same look in her eye that I had. She’s a cornered animal ready to strike as her hurt turns to anger.

“He’s dying,” I choke out, limping toward Titus. “It was Titan blood that created the weapon and I’m willing to bet Titan blood will close his wound.”

I can’t even give a thought tohowTitus was the one to answer my call. All that matters to me is that he did. I don’t need to know where he has been all these months. He just needs to help Essos now.

Titus’s gaze flicks from his son to me. I can’t imagine how I look, and I don’t care. If looking like I’m on the verge of collapse will get him to help Essos, then I will do it. I will do anything. I will trade my life for his if that is what he demands.

“You’re going to need more than justmyblood. It took two Titans to create the weapon, so we would need at least two of us to have a chance at healing that wound. From the looks of it, not only is it deep, but he’s lost a lot of blood. Who knows what sort of damage has been inflicted because of the dagger?” he hedges with a sigh. “And honestly, I’m not sure interference is the best course of action. It’s best to let these things do what they need to do.”

“Don’t taunt my daughter,” Esmaray warns, materializing in the room. She turns her silver eyes on me. “What do you need?”

“I haven’t agreed to anything,” Titus points out.

I turn to Xavier and grab the God Killer blade that’s sheathed at his side and lift the dagger to point it at Titus. He flinches just that little bit back, but he shifts closer to cover the move.

“How did you survive?” Xavier asks, and I want to pull my hair out and scream that now is not thetime.

“Yeah, if you thought I was actually going to attend that wedding with Crazy Pants running around with one of those daggers on the loose? You’re delusional. I’m the God Supreme. It was a decoy. Smoke and mirrors. Once she froze us, I did not want to be there anymore.” He raises his eyebrows at me quickly, like it’s something he’s proud of.

“Is that why the Fates changed their tune about bringing you back?” Helene’s question goes ignored.

“But you’re here now? If Daphne gets stabby with that dagger…” Xavier pushes.

“Then I think I’ll be less inclined to actually help.” Titus’s voice is sharp as he looks to Xavier then the blade and then Essos.

“I don’t take kindly to being summoned,” Octavia’s imperious voice calls as she strolls in with Lairus on her arm.

“Oh, good gods,” Titus mutters, rolling his eyes and dropping his head back to look up at the ceiling.
