Page 10 of The Bone Man

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“We’ve been kidnapped,” I inform him.

Worry creases Merri’s brow. “You don’t know?”

Ga’Vine glances between us. “I’m here for a city safety meeting.”

“They pulled us off the street to drag us here,” Merri murmurs, then stiffens when the door swings open, and an officer beckons us forward.

Ga’Vine and I exchange a look over the top of Merri’s head, one guard to another, and fall into place on either side of our love, flanking her protectively.

The maneuver doesn’t go unnoticed, but she holds her tongue as we enter the room.

Captain Bailey, the thorn in Ga’Vine’s side, sits on the left side of the table set up in the room. The smirk on his face bodes ill for whatever comes next. In the center sits Chief Lynch, his spine ramrod straight in the position of power.

But it’s the newly elected Mayor Berdherst who holds my attention. His presence in the police station is unusual, and his cold, calculating gaze sets off all my danger instincts. He is an akuzal disguised as a human, and we are his prey.

“What’s going on?” Ga’Vine’s gaze sweeps over the room’s occupants. “Why have the Cleaners been brought in on a city safety meeting?”

Captain Bailey arches a brow. “What, areyouthe only one allowed to call them in for help?”

Yes. Ga’Vine might as well have spoken the word for how loudly it hangs in the air.

Mayor Berdherst leans forward, his voice dripping with authority. “We’ve invited the Cleaners here for the special task of cleaning up the Bone Yard.”

My gut tightens at the announcement. The man can’t be serious. Clearhelm’s police force already attempted that once, with far more people than Merri has on her team, and failed miserably. It’s why the demons now own that part of town.

It’s a dangerous, lawless part of the city that even the JTFPI avoids. Chaos thrives there. And death is handed out as easily as breathing. Peace is tenuous at best, but if we go in there intending to clear the demons out, it will be a declaration of war.

“With all the media coverage Clearhelm has been getting recently, we’re seeing an increase in tourists, something our city dearly needs in order to replace the funds the Joint Task Force of Paranormal Investigations continues to drain.” Mayor Berdherst casts Ga’Vine a disapproving look. “Once the Bone Yard has been tamed, it will be a tourist attraction that people will flock from all over the world to see.”

Ga’Vine’s fists clench. “That’s a suicide mission!”

Chief Lynch stirs. “Your force, combined with the Cleaners, have taken on dragons and monsters from myths. Surely you can handle cleaning up a few city blocks? Captain Bailey has even volunteered some of his people to assist in the matter.”

“The same officers who refused to listen to orders and nearly got us all killed during the altercation with the dragon?” Ga’Vine demands in a hard tone.

Chief Lynch dips his head. “It’s true that there have been some issues with working together between your departments. Since this is such a delicate task you’ll be taking on, Captain Bailey won’t object if you choose your own people from among his officers.”

Captain Bailey rears back, his lips parting, but a look from Chief Lynch shuts his mouth.

Chief Lynch turns back to us. “You will be provided with the necessary equipment and resources to assist you in this endeavor. Complete the task and prove you can be a beneficial part of Clearhelm’s resources.”

The underlying threat comes through loud and clear. If we refuse or fail, then Ga’Vine will no longer run the JTFPI and the Cleaners will lose their license to work within Clearhelm.

Burning this place to the ground is sounding better and better.

Mayor Berdherst focuses on Merri. “Do you have any questions, Ms. Cay?”

Her head tilts to the side. “How much?”

Captain Bailey smirks. “Mercenary to the core. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You’ll be paid fairly.”

Merri’s hand on my arm stops me from stepping forward to defend her honor. “I mean, how much of the Bone Yard do you want cleared? A strip down the center? A few shops on the main street that humans can enter? How much are you asking?”

“When I say to clean it up, I meanallof it, Ms. Cay,” the mayor snaps.

Merri turns to me. “Fire?”

“The great equalizer,” I agree, though I’d rather set this room on fire over the demons in the Bone Yard.
