Page 9 of The Bone Man

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My suggestion that we take my far finer car to work today was met with a hard no, and I now regret not pressing the matter. My lady deserves to be squired around in only the finest, which this nondescript sedan is not.

As I open the door for her, I frown at the worn interior. Maybe if I have it detailed? Or entirely replace the interior?

Merri pokes my side as she pauses next to me. “Stop whatever you’re thinking. This is a work car, so no changing it.”

I frown at the scratches on the faux leather seats. “We can work in a nice car just as easily.”

She slides into the seat. “Okay, next time we’re escorting a slime demon who’s lost their hold on their human form to the way station, we’ll take your car.”

My nose wrinkles at the suggestion, and her laughter echoes through the small garage before I shut the door on her.

Wooing my lady in this century will prove harder than I anticipated.

I hurry around to the driver’s side and slip behind the wheel. Perhaps I can win her over while indulging in coffee at the Harbor. We have half the day to ourselves before the others will even think to question where we’ve gone.

With that in mind, I turn the car on and head for the garage exit, hitting the little button attached to the visor as I drive up the ramp.

The door rumbles up as we near, and I slow at the top, cautious of oncoming cars, even in the back alley.

As I look to the left, a box-nosed sedan screeches up in front of the garage and slams to a stop, blocking our exit.

I press hard on the brake, and Merri’s curses ring in my ears.

The passenger door opens, and a man in the Clearhelm Police Department’s uniform climbs out, his hand on the gun at his hip.

My fingers tighten around the steering wheel. Even if I back down the ramp, the door closes too slowly to block him from following us. We’re trapped, and by the smirk on his face as he approaches, he knows he has the upper hand.

I roll down my window. “Is there a problem, officer?”

Ignoring me, he leans down to peer inside at Merri. “Your presence is requested at the station, Ms. Cay.”

Merri leans over the center console. “I don’t have a meeting with Captain Bailey scheduled, and we’re on a case. Please have him contact my office to make arrangements.”

“This is a summons from Chief Lynch himself, so you’ll have to reschedule your current plans. You can either follow us or…" He glances toward his sedan. "We can take you in the back of our car.”

Fire simmers in my blood at the blatant threat and the disrespect this man shows to Merri, but she simply smiles. “Well, if it’s that urgent, by all means, lead the way.”

With a nod, he straightens and returns to his vehicle. They pull forward far enough to let us out, and another box-nosed sedan enters the alley from the left, leaving no avenue to flee.

I grit my teeth as I pull into line between the two vehicles. “Back in the day, we would burn these pests alive for such disrespect.”

Merri leans back in her seat. “New world, same assholes throwing their weight around to prove they’re powerful.”

I hum in agreement. As a court guard on the demon plane, my time had been filled with tasks set to me by my sponsor, and my failures were dealt with swiftly and without compassion. It was how I learned to never fail, not even when it meant the deaths of me and my love.

Allowing others to wield power over me? That experience put a bad taste in my mouth. Especially for those who, on every level, have not earned that right.

The cruiser ahead leads us to Clearhelm’s Police Department, and Merri’s annoyance peppers the air like sparks about to combust.

For that alone, I would burn the building to the ground. But such actions would cause difficulty for my family, so I bide my time. I can release the fires after we discover what this summons is about.

Once we park and disembark, the officers lead us up the steps, into the red brick building, and down a dingy hall to where a familiar, dark-haired figure stands outside.

“Wait here,” the lead officer commands. “You’ll be called in soon.”

Ga’Vine glances over his shoulder, and his eyes widen when he finds us behind him.

Our escorts leave, and Ga’Vine takes a step away from the door to join us. “What are you doing here?”
