Page 22 of Where Demons Hide

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He glides an envelope across the dining table. I didn’t even notice it was there before.

I eye the envelope while he wipes bacon grease from his fingers onto a napkin.

“It’s a graduation gift, but I think we could both use it right now.”

I wipe my hands and slide a finger beneath the flap. As soon as I remove the contents, my heart spasms. Stops. Swells. Callisto remains unmoved, unblinking, watching my reaction. I’m speechless. I glance between his intense gaze and this envelope for several moments before he finally speaks.

“I figured if you’re going to take over the world, you should at least see some of it,” he says before stuffing the syrup-coated pancake into his mouth. As if he’d just passed me the syrup instead of handing me two tickets to Tahiti.

He chews slowly, purposefully savoring, teasing, but never taking his eyes off me.

I’ve never been anywhere outside of the southern United States. I’m a planner, and this is so spur of the moment.

“This is too much.”

“Nothing with you is ever too much,” he says, unwavering, and my heart slams to my throat. “Do you have a passport?”

I nod.

I applied for one when Reid joined the military. We both did, thinking we’d travel the world and see exotic places as part of his job.

“Good. You’re off work until next Thursday. I’ll have you back in your bed by Wednesday night.”

That’s five days from now. Two days for travel and three days in Tahiti.He planned this.

Just the thought of him having me inanybed spreads a delicious warmth across my skin. That’s it. I’m in. Because he’s right. I took a week off thinking I would be looking for another job or applying for scholarships and student loans. I took it off because I needed a break.

And he is giving it to me. Because that’s what Callisto does. He gives me everything I need without me even knowing I need it.

Nerves turn into excitement, and I’m suddenly ready to do this.



The second we step off the plane in Tahiti and board the catamaran, the air shifts. The tension leaves my body, replaced by a wild excitement. I’m reeling, stunned by the sea of crystal-blue water and sunny skies. Callisto holds my hand. The ocean breeze whips my hair across my face. I soak in every second of what feels like freedom. Smile until my cheeks hurt as white birds fly high, then dip down to grab a fish. Lay my head on Callisto’s shoulder and watch the clouds cover the mountaintops.

I’ve never been outside of the United States. The only beaches I’ve ever seen are on the Florida coast. The ocean seems so vast from out here. The world feels so much bigger than my one little city in south Louisiana. It’s bright and vibrant and tranquil and serene all at once.

I am awestruck.

We dock at the end of a long wooden walkway that extends from the shore all the way out to the little water bungalow village. Pictures don’t do this place justice. You can’t smell the saltwater and sweet flowers in the air or feel the sun warm your skin. Or experience the quiet contentment that reaches in and wraps around your soul. There’s even a light in Callisto’s eyes.

I see why they call it paradise.

Each of the round bungalows made of hand-crafted wood and a thatched roof sits perched on stilts just a few feet above the clear, turquoise water of the lagoon. The concierge has already delivered our luggage and placed it just inside the sliding glass doors.

The interior is one big open room, with the exception of the bathroom. The walls and floors are polished teakwood and all of the upholstery and bedding is stark white. A large deck wraps around the entire bungalow with glass doors leading into the living room. On one side of the deck there are two oversized chaise lounges that face the mountains and on the other side is an over-the-water hammock made for two. An entire section of the living room floor is made of glass. I bring my hand to my mouth to keep from squealing like a giddy little girl when a sea turtle swims by beneath my feet.

Callisto is leaning against the white marble kitchen counter, arms folded and feet crossed at the ankle, watching as I take it all in. His gaze whispers over me, scorching my skin.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask as I make my way across the room.

“How would you say I’m looking at you?” He unfolds his arms and wraps them around my waist.

I slide my arms over his shoulders, locking my hands behind his neck. “Like you can’t decide what to do with me.”

He slides his hands from my waist to my ass. “I know exactly what I want to do with you.”

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