Page 23 of Where Demons Hide

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His words conjure a fire deep in my core. My lips part. I close my eyes and bring my mouth to his as he lifts me onto the kitchen counter. I’m in paradise, surrounded by beauty, and this perfect man is sliding my panties down my legs. It doesn’t get much better than this.

* * *

After we christened the kitchen counter of our bungalow, Callisto suggested we take the walk along the pier to the shore. The resort we’re staying at has a hotel, a few shops, and a couple of restaurants—all located right along the beach at the end of a wooden walkway.

From the restaurant, the night view of the mountains across the lagoon is breathtaking. There’s just enough breeze to make sitting outside comfortable. String lights hang from pole to pole along the outdoor patio. It’s the kind of place that makes you never want to go home. Three days won’t be enough.

A band plays French Polynesian music—the kind with ukuleles, conch shells, and bongos—while costumed dancers circle their hips in figure eights. Their movements are slow and graceful. Seductive. Their hips move in circles while their arms wave in the air, letting their hands tell a story. There are about seven of them, men and women. The men are shirtless with a loincloth around their hips. The women wear ankle-length skirts made of light-colored grass and a bandeau top.

The dancers spread out to various tables and hold their hands out, inviting guests to join them.

One of the women walks over to us. Her face beams as she extends her hand, then curls her fingers up in invitation.

I don’t have the confidence to dothatin front of a crowd of strangers. I’m not even sure I have the confidence to do it in a room alone in front of a mirror.

She glances at Callisto, who looks back at me with a wicked smirk, challenging me.

Guys like that don’t settle for normal.

I take the napkin from my lap and set it on the table, meeting his stare. “Okay. Let’s do it.” Screwnormal.

He watches, wordless, as I walk past him, trailing behind the dancer.

The band starts a new song, and the woman spreads her feet shoulder-width apart and lifts her arms out to her sides. She nods at me to do the same. And then she begins swaying her hips from side to side. She brings her hands up above her head and rolls her hips in a circle. I follow along, feeling the beat move through me as the song goes on. Owning it. Moving with it. Melting into it.

Callisto leans back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest as he watches me with dark eyes.

I lick my lips and stare back at him. I feel sexy. Powerful. My mind goes blank to anything but this, to the pleasure of watching him watch me.

The intensity amplifies. I grow bolder. I bring my arms back out to my sides and sway my hips. I hold my breath, lust, desire and need rippling through me. There’s a crowd watching now, but all I care about is him. My fingertips caress the air the way I want his to caress my body. My head tilts back. My skin prickles with heat. I let the beat wrap around me, guide my hips. Every swirl, every sway, pulses in my core.

Strong arms wrap around my waist, plucking me out of my trance.

Callisto leans in close to my ear. “Time to go, angel.” His hand grips my ass. “Mytemple, remember?”

How could I forget?

He takes my hand as we take the wooden walkway back to our bungalow.

I look up at him, my short strides keeping in step with his long ones. “You didn’t like my dance?”

“I didn’t like how many other people liked your dance.” His golden-brown eyes fill with fire. “I told you I don’t share.”

My cheeks heat. “It was just a dance.”

He stops. Pulls me to face him. Tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. The world around us pauses. “You really have no idea how beautiful you are.”

Every wall my insecurities try to build around me is shattered with those words, that look. My pulse hums with swirling, blinding need. The air between us vibrates. His gaze falls to my mouth and I suck in a breath.

A loud rumble rattles across the sky, and I look up just as the first raindrop falls onto my bare shoulder.

Callisto watches as the sky grows darker. He squeezes my hand. “Run.”

My heart lurches. A childlike bliss washes over me as our footsteps pound the wooden pier. One by one, the drops get larger and heavier. Like a baptismal from above, a cleansing of doubt, a washing away of fear, bringing in something new. I look up at the sky and smile into the rain. He continues holding my hand as we run the rest of the way.

“Fuck. Get inside.” Callisto grabs my hand and pulls me to the glass doors leading into the living room as the bottom falls out of the sky.

I grab his shirt. “Wait.” I look up into his eyes. “Can we just stand here and watch it for a minute?” His chest, hard and broad, rises and falls under my touch. I blink. “Please.”
