Page 51 of Where Demons Hide

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“How do you do it?”

“Do what?” I tip my head back and look into his eyes.

“Love me.”

I kiss his chest, right over his heart. “Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. And just when I think I couldn’t love you more, I look at you… and I know. I know that tomorrow when I wake up, and every day after that, I will fall for you all over again. Harder, faster, and deeper than ever before. Because there’s no limit to love. Not real love. Not this.”

The copper glint in his eyes turns almost black as he grabs me by the ass and lifts me off the ground. I close my legs around his waist while my hands slide over his neck and into his hair.

“Do you have any idea how fucking amazing you are?”

“Why don’t you show me?”



I tossed and turned all night. Soul-shattering sex didn’t even quiet the thoughts in my mind.

And all day at work, I was a whirlwind of him and us and the baby. I mis-logged prescriptions on two different patients and sent a vial of blood to the wrong lab for processing. Lana was so aggravated I’m surprised she didn’t ask for my resignation letter. Five o’clock didn’t come fast enough. Tomorrow I need to have my shit together. I can’t make it through many more days like today.

How are we supposed to have a family? How can I ever ask you to bring a child into all of this?Those were his words.

I don’t know how the chain of command works in the mafia, but I do know that Carlos is sick and someone needs to take his place. If thatsomeoneisn’t Callisto, then everything they’ve worked for, all that they’ve sacrificed for generations is meaningless.

I won’t let this pregnancy get in the way of that. He may be angry with me once I tell him the truth, but that’s a consequence I’ll deal with. I don’t want anything to deter his decision to do what his birthright begs him to do.

Right now, we’re on our way to have dinner with Carlos at his home, which feels like a big deal, but my mind is too hung up on our future to process it.

On the way there, I tell him about the church and the labyrinth and my afternoon at the park. He laughs when I talk about the children on the playground. That laugh eases my mind. It washes away the fear. It cuts through the guilt.

“You know those things don’t let you sleep at night?”

“Youdon’t let me sleep at night.” I smirk. “I think I could handle it.”

“Handle being responsible for a tiny human—a life?” He swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “Alife,” he says as if it’s a foolproof argument.

“Yes. And so could you. I can’t think of a better person than you to protect him.”

“Him?” His brow knits. “Why nother?”

Yes, him. Or her. It doesn’t matter to me. The only thing that matters is that we created a life that is part him, part me, all us. And the fact that he isn’t adamantly against the idea. Hope sprouts in my chest.

He runs his hands through his thick black hair and laughs. “If my mother could hear this now,” he says, reaching across the console and grabbing my hand.

I wish I had met his mother. I know he misses her. I hear it in his voice when he talks about her. I see it in his eyes when he sometimes stares out the window into the open sky. I can only hope to be half the mother to our children that she was to him.

I squeeze his hand and smile. “She’d be the proudest mother on earth.”

We pull up to a massive iron gate that slides open after Callisto punches some numbers into a keypad. To the left of a long, concrete driveway, is a small booth with an armed guard inside. Callisto gives him a nod as we drive past.

Comfort in the guise of security in the midst of danger.



