Page 10 of Marked By Him

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The worst of it was the blistering realization that I was alone.

I had no home. Not anymore.

I was a prisoner with nowhere else to go.



This woman was goingto be my undoing.

A strong leader would have never cut her ties. He would have left her to starve until he knew all her secrets. He would have done whatever it took to make sure she didn’t bring harm to his people.

But there was this pull, this fucking force bigger and stronger than I was, screaming in my ear.‘Feeding her is the right thing to do, the humane thing,’it yelled.

Her body was broken. She was weak. She needed food.

But when she parted her full lips, pink heat flushed her neck and cheeks. And then she made that fucking noise and a surge of need shot down my spine.

When she’d looked at me, her eyes grew dark. For a split second, I’d danced on the edge of temptation. I imagined doing things that weren’t humane at all.

I could have taken her. It wouldn’t have taken much to overpower her. I was twice her size, maybe more. She might not even have fought me on it.

Or maybe she would have.And that opened a can of worms that had my dick begging me to go back down there right fucking now.

I squeezed my eyes closed and pinched the bridge of my nose.Jesus, Roman. What the fuck?

I didn’t do this. This wasn’t me.

I knew sins of the flesh. Our community thrived on them. It was the way of our people. Reproduce. Be fruitful. Multiply. That was what the book said. That was the only way we would ever take back our world—to ensure there were more humans than vampires. Our obedience was going to wash away the plague.

Five hundred years ago, three families came to Sanctum Sanguinem for refuge, in the hopes of a new beginning. Because we’d been faithful to our purpose, today there were over sixty.

I was the keeper. The leader.Thatwas my job. Giving a shit about a stranger had no part in it.

I’d earned the people’s respect. I kept them safe. I watched from a distance.

I didn’t engage in physical pleasure. Ever. Not since Eliza. I wasn’t even tempted.

So, why now? Why her?What was it about this woman that had my belly clenching and dick hard? Even now, my cock strained against the confines of my pants as I stood in the middle of my kitchen.

I had a choice to make.

Option one: Go back downstairs, throw her over my shoulder and haul her back to the woods she ran from.

Option two: Strap her back to the chair, go get Silas and let her be his problem.

Or option three: Cut her loose entirely and let her become one of us. Let someone else claim her.

A possessive, predatory growl simmered deep in my chest.

There’s always option four.

Option four was keeping her to myself, and that was as out of the question as option three.

