Page 54 of Shattered

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I pick up the tray and notice there's something underneath it. This is new. It's something wrapped in brown paper, almost like a gift. It is a sick and twisted gift from a sick and twisted person. I

grab it, setting my food down on my bed. Unwrapping it, I find Fifty Shades Darker. I let out a dry chuckle; this is a demented joke. But deep down, I know that I'm glad for it. It will keep me going just a little bit longer.

I set it on the bed close to my pillow, knowing that's what I'll be doing after I eat. There's nothing else for me to do. I wonder if I should take a shower. It might feel good if there is hot water, that is. That would be the way to break me. Giving me cold showers only.

I grab the tray of food first and then sit on the edge of the bed. Balancing the tray on my knees. Today, it looks like green beans, mashed potatoes, and a slice of turkey. Of course, nothing is ever salted or seasoned. It's all plain, but I eat it like it's everything in this world. I don't stop eating until everything is completely gone. Even eating the little pieces of turkey that fell off. I basically lick my plate, knowing that at some point, they could leave me without food.

I go to set the tray back in the slot. And walk into the bathroom. It's pretty much clean; there's just a sink, toilet, and a shower. I don't really understand why I get these luxuries. I don't know the price I'll have to pay to use them. Maybe it was the only building they could safely modify to create this prison. But they

could've just put drywall up and taken this away from me.

I step up to the shower. Am I really going to do this? I inspect it; it just looks the same as everywhere else I've been. I pull off my pants and underwear. I keep on my blouse because it goes to my knees. My blouse will dry fast, and it needs to be washed anyway.

I turn on the shower, hoping that it's warm. I put my hand underneath the stream of water, and I thank whoever will listen that it's warm. Stepping in is like bliss. My bones that were previously chilled are warming up. Even with my blouse on, it still feels like heaven on my skin. I start scrubbing my legs with my sleeve. They didn't leave any products, but I don't care. This alone is going to save me. I feel alive again. This is the only time that I let my tears shed and fall free. Knowing that my cries will be muffled by the sound of the shower. I tilt my head back, allowing the water to pour down my face. Nothing is better than this very moment.

I think I'm in there for a couple minutes just thinking of what I'm going to do. How I'm going to save Cordelia while also trying to save myself. The water is starting to turn cold. I turn it off and get out. It's like a shock contrast, the coldness of the room compared to

the warmth of the shower, and I can already feel myself shivering. I grab my pants and underwear from the ground and go to the bedroom. I first put on my underwear, then I slip off my blouse, putting it on the floor. I know that the person is watching me. Watching all my exposed flesh. That terrifies me in itself. I might not be taking another shower anytime soon.

When I lay out my blouse to maybe dry, I get in the bed and curl up with the blanket. Shivering just a little bit until sleep takes me.


I wake up in a panic. Forgetting where I was, I almost believed I was at home in my bed. Peacefully sleeping with Archer. Dreams are only dreams, though. I push myself up only to realize there's someone in here. I startle and push myself to the wall as far away as I can get in this bed. The guy has a mask on. He's staring at me, I think.

"I liked your little show last night." His voice sounds different. It's like he's using a voice changer through the mask. It makes it sound deep and a little unclear.

"What do you want with me? Why am I here? Where is my


"You ask a lot of questions for someone who hasn't earned the right to ask." He still stands by the door, but I know at any point, he could be on top of me.

"Please just let me go."

"Aw, come on. And to think I was just having fun watching you in here." I knew there were cameras. I'm glad I was right on one thing.

"Why are you doing this? Why give me a bed and a bathroom?"

"I figured I would give you some normalcy before you're not here anymore. The next place will be torturous, and I'm not a horrible person. I'm quite nice once you get to know me. Tell me, do you want to get to know more of me?"

I think I'm going to be sick. "No, I do not want to get to know you. Maybe when you're behind bars, and I'm safely away from you. But not here."

He steps forward, and I flinch. This is not going to end up good, for my sake. I try to go deeper in the corner, as far as I can.

"You don't have to worry now. I'm here." What kind of

psycho is this.

"We leave in a couple hours. Get yourself ready." He throws something at me. Then he turns around and walks out the door. I let out a breath; how long was I holding it for? I open the bag with my foot, and there's something red in it. Slowly, I crawl to the bag and open it. It's a red satin dress. Stunning if it hadn't been given to me by a psychopath.

What do I do? Do I put it on, or do I go against his wishes? Am I too much of a coward to do that, though? I think that, yes, I am. I get up and slip the dress over my head. Taking off my pants. It slides down my body. The perfect fit. What does this mean for me, that he's dressing me up? It's almost like a date. I shiver, instantly running cold. I stand by the door wondering if this is a date for death?

Chapter Twenty


I’m waiting, standing in this red dress. Someone opens the door, and instead of the guy in the mask, it’s Grey. What the actual fuck is going on.
