Page 117 of Crashed

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“I’ll be over there with a two-man team.” Jung gave another one of her bland smiles. “I did obtain permission—more or less—and told Ms. Brimley that we’d need access to the house to do checks to make sure everything was completed satisfactorily.”

“Like that will really fly if anybody looks too deep at this,” Travis muttered. Just another reason he was happy to leave this life behind. But neither Brant nor his mom deserved the trouble Stephen Beresford could bring down on them, and even as big a prick as the father was, Travis didn’t think he deserved Beresford, either. Scrubbing his hands over his face, he looked out front. Save for the black Cadillac, which Jung had arrived in, the only vehicle visible on the street now was Isabel’s big van.

“We’ll be moving that into Miles’ garage,” Jung said.

As if on cue, one of the agents who’d be with her across the street came over and collected the keys.

“Hawkins, you want him to run you down there?”

“I can walk,” Miles said sourly.

Travis wanted to tell the older man not to be stubborn but he elected to keep his mouth shut. If he was in Miles’s shoes, he would have chosen the same.

Their radios all went live just as Miles reached the door.

“Report,” Miles said after security codes were exchanged and confirmed on both sides. As he spoke in a cool, clipped voice, he looked over and found Travis, their gazes connecting.

Isabel, who had just entered the foyer, slid her hand into his just as the unknown agent on the other end of the line began to speak.

“Our target is on the road and heading toward the destination, sir.”

“Understood. Follow at a discreet distance and keep me updated.”

“Got it.”

As the radio went dead, Isabel rested her head on Travis’s shoulder. He broke their clasped hands and slid his arm around her shoulders, tugging her in even closer.

Miles met her gaze. “It will be over soon, Bella. I promise.”

“That would be nice.” She smiled nervously. “Hey, maybe I can even get my life back. Think it’s possible?”

“Anything’s possible,” Miles said.

Then he turned and gestured for the agent to precede him. “Since we’re now on a timetable, you might as well drive me over.”

They were alone inthe house.

If you didn’t count the numerous bugs and cameras that had been scattered around the property. Three agents were across the street. Two were in the small boathouse in Isabel’s backyard. Two were in her detached garage. And Miles was in his own house, which had a computer set-up to rival NORAD from what she’d been told.

It was just her and Travis in her place. With him, she felt safe. But she was also nervous as hell. They hadn’t had more than a few minutes alone since they’d slept together andeverythingbetween them had drastically changed, so fast.

In the foyer, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans.

She shoved hers into the kangaroo-like pouch of her hoodie.

And they just looked at each other.

“You need—”

“Are you hungry—”

They laughed nervously and Travis gestured at her. “You first.”

“Ah ... I was just wondering if you’re hungry. You’ve been on the go almost non-stop since all of this started. And I haven’t even had a chance to ask how everything went.”

“I already told you ... it went well enough. There’s time for a deeper discussion later.” He glanced up where he knew a small camera was placed. “When we have real privacy. And no ... I’m not hungry for food.”

Her face went red, hand fluttering up to her throat.
