Page 118 of Crashed

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The look on his face must have relayed everything he felt because her breath hitched.

“We need to get you in your vest.” He gave her a critical look. “You wearing anything under that?”

“My bra.”

“It will chafe without something under it.” He held out his hand. “Come on. Let’s see what we can find.”

“What about you?”

Travis shrugged. “I can get into mine in seconds. Practice. And I’ve got a hoodie on the couch.”

Isabel nodded and turned to head down the hall.

He locked up the doors, set the alarm, and did a quick walk around the interior of the house as he sent out a request for an update on Beresford’s location.

“Stopped for gas a few minutes ago. He’s still about thirty minutes away from the destination.” The agent following him had to fall farther back and had been replaced by another, this time somebody in a truck that looked like a beat-up POS, according to the report Travis had gotten. “We got a couple of state boys who spotted him but they received the revised request to stay at a distance as we’re in position now.”

“Miles, you’ve made sure no local law enforcement is going to be stepping in?”

“I spoke directly to the county sheriff and the chief of the police here in Blessing, Travis. Neither of them wants to get in on this, trust me. The locals have their hands full dealing with Lloyd and his type when they go on a bender.”

Travis trusted Miles, completely, but he’d had locals interfere before and his silence must have conveyed something to the other man. “We’re listening to the locals, son. If there’s any sign of trouble, I’ve got extra men in town who’ll move in. He won’t get away.”

“Okay.” He cleared his throat. “I’m going to check on Isabel, help her with her vest, make sure she’s set. If I go silent for a few minutes, that’s why. It won’t be long.”

Jung started to speak, but Miles cut her off.

“If she’s nervous and you need a minute or two, that’s fine. Just keep it short. We need you downstairs, looking as normal as possible.”

Travis was halfway to Isabel’s room by the time Miles had signed off and he tugged off his earpiece, thumbing the tiny power button. As he slid into Isabel’s room, he set the device on her dresser.

She glanced at it, then at him.

He nodded to her closet, acutely aware of the camera positioned near the balcony door, the other just outside her bedroom. “Show me what sort of thin, long-sleeved shirts you have hanging up. Something soft. Anything else will bunch up under the vest.”

A soft flush rose up her cheeks as she turned and went to the walk-in closet.

He followed and closed the door, pulling her back against him and turning, pressing her against the door.

Isabel gasped. “Travis ... the cameras ... ”

“Shhh ... ” he pressed his mouth to her neck, one hand going to the drawstring waistband of her soft, flannel pants. He pulled his phone from his pocket, opened a music app and hit play.

Low, lyrical music poured out.

“They’ll know,” she whispered.

“I don’t care.” He nuzzled her neck. “I need you. That’s all that matters ... unless you don’t want this.” He flattened his hands against her belly. “If you want me to stop, I will. Just say the word.”

She turned her head in the darkened closet and found his mouth with unerring certainty. “No ... I don’t care.”

She started to turn, but he stopped her, pushing his hand down her pants and into her panties.

A rough groan escaped as he stroked her. “You’re already wet, Bella-mine.”

“When you looked at me ... ” her breath stuttered out of her. “Downstairs, I knew. The way you looked at me, your eyes ... it was like you were already touching me, stroking me.”

He caught her chin in his free hand and pulled her face around to his, kissing her deep and hot as he pushed his fingers inside her. At the same time, he flicked his thumb over her clitoris.
