Page 132 of Crashed

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The other man didn’t look like he was going to speak, but after a moment, he jerked his head. “You might be right.”

Travis couldn’t hope for anything else so as Lloyd turned back to the house, and the porch where his wife and son both waited, he sought out Brant. The kid was still pale, but when he met Travis’s gaze, he offered a hesitant smile.

“We’ll see about that game of ball tomorrow,” Travis said.

Brant’s eyes widened, then a real smile spread across his face and he nodded.

As they retreated back into the house, Travis went back to where Isabel and Miles waited.

Isabel continued to nervously pace the yard but she caught his hand, squeezed it as she said, “Lloyd Brimley saying thank you. Wonders never cease.”

“Miracles can happen.” He cupped her cheek. “I found you again, didn’t I?”

She blushed but was smiling as he pressed his mouth to hers.

Adrenaline still flooded them both, so they kept the contact short. They wouldn’t have any semblance of privacy in a few more minutes, so they couldn’t afford to get lost in each other.

As he drew apart, he gave her hand one last squeeze and headed over to the porch.

Miles waited for him.

“You could have told the truth. “You wouldn’t have caught flack—I would have made sure of that,” Miles said quietly. It had been several hours since his replacement had begun questioning them and she’d finally given up less than forty-five minutes earlier, calling her team in to get ready to head out.

Miles had told Jung he’d be back in the city with them later the following day, claiming exhaustion.

It was clearly true, although Travis had no doubt that if Miles had wanted, he could have pushed through. That was simply who he was.

That he was here now told Travis he felt he had more important business here.

Isabel continued to pace the yard, arms crossed over her chest, eyes on the intersection at the end of the road as she waited for the kids to return.

Keeping his voice low, Travis said, “And what purpose would that have served? You did what you thought you needed to do. You saw a chance, had a shot and you took it. Nobody else did and the situation was getting out of control.”

“Jung will try to argue it put the boy at risk.” Miles pulled off his glasses and cleaned them on his shirt. “But I don’t care. You’re right—Ididhave the shot and Beresford would have soon killed the kid as looked at him. Come tomorrow, after I write up my report, I’m turning in my resignation.”

Travis looked at him, not sure whether to be shocked or just relieved. “I thought you’d work yourself right up to your own funeral.”

“I practically am.” With a wry smile, he said, “I’ve got less than three months, four at the most.” He made his way over to the porch swing and sat down with a weary sigh. “And I don’t want to spend it in the office, filling out forms or anything else. If it hadn’t been for this debacle with Beresford, well ... I’d planned on submitting my resignation at the end of the week anyway, but now is as good a time as any.”

He smiled and looked out over the water. “I think I’d like to spend the rest of my time taking it easy ... sitting on my porch at that house over there, looking out over the water.”

“Am I getting evicted?”

Miles smiled at him. “Oh, there’s room for both of us. But I get the feeling you won’t be spending much time sleeping in an empty bed, will you, son?”

Travis just smiled.

“I’ve got Xi looking into the request you made. It should be doable.” Miles glanced at him. “It’s a good idea, if you ask me.”

Travis nodded. “I think so. Time to say good-bye to this...chapter of my life. Might as well bury the face with it.”

A black SUV appeared at the end of the road and turned toward them. Isabel shot him a wide smile over her shoulder.

He smiled back even though she’d already started toward the driveway. As she rushed to greet the vehicle, he looked at Miles. “We’re getting married.”

“Good.” Miles blew out a sigh and despite the weariness on his face, it seemed some of the deep, carved lines smoothed out a fraction. “That’s ... good.”

Throat tight, Travis moved to the man’s side and sat down next to him. “Miles, I can’t thank you enough for—” As Miles’s eyes snapped open and a scowl appeared on his face, Travis scowled right back. “And don’t you interrupt, you stubborn old son of a bitch. I get to say my piece, damn it.”
