Page 131 of Crashed

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Jung pulled a notepad out of her briefcase and glanced up at Travis.

“Are you joining us?”

“I’m good right here.” He sipped his coffee and gave her an easy smile. “I’m still feeling pretty jumpy from earlier. And I don’t do sitting still very well. Never have.”

Her mouth compressed into a firm line. “Mr. Barnes, please, sit.”

He sipped his coffee and waited her out.

“Are you trying to be difficult?” she asked sharply.

“It seems to me you are,” he responded. “You have questions you want to ask. I’m not a suspect in any crime, unless you failed to inform me of something, and you’re in the private home of a woman who was in fear for her life until just a few short hours ago. There’s no reason for you to be on a high horse and demandIsit because it makesyouhappy. I don’t need toaccommodateyou, Agent Jung. And you know it. So, maybeyoushould ask yourself ... areyoutrying to be difficult?”

Miles hid his smile behind his cup of coffee.

The other two agents pretended not to hear anything.

Jung snatched up her pen and, with a cold look, she said, “I want you to go overexactlywhat transpired earlier. Inyourwords. Wewillbe recording this.”

After taking another sip of his coffee, Travis proceeded to tell her exactly what transpired. In his words. He just left a couple of small details out. Then she had him do it a second, and a third time.

It was the same story each time.

Chapter 32

“Thank you.”

Travis looked at the hand in front of him, still trembling somewhat, then met Lloyd’s gaze. He hesitated, then slowly shook the man’s hand.

“I don’t know what the hell was going on, but I know you saved my boy, probably me. So...” Lloyd cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

“How about instead of saying thanks, you start talking to somebody about the anger issues you deal with?”

Lloyd’s face went red and he jerked his head away.

“You could have lost your son today,” Travis said. “He could have lost you. Second chances don’t always happen. You got one, so maybe do something with it.”
