Page 49 of Orc the Halls

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“You make me a better man is the thing,” he said. “You challenge me in a way that I like. I like rising to your challenges, and you set the bar higher and higher with the way you handle being the most amazing mother and doctor and, uh,decoratorthat I’ve ever met, and you’re so fucking beautiful, and… I just want to lock you down, so…”

She looked up at him. “Yes.”

“Will you marry me?”

She grinned. “I want to get married here. At the farmhouse. A small wedding with just our families. Next summer, so Mabel will be toddling. And Tyr and Mabel can be our only attendants. And you have to wear a traditional tunic with embroidery at the collar, and don’t argue with me about that, because it’s the aesthetic I’m going for and—”

He kissed her, swallowing all her words, and she wound her arms around his neck, and he pulled her close, and—even though she was not nearly as small as she used to be before the baby—she felt tiny in his arms, engulfed and supported andloved.

Outside, the air was crisp and cold and there was a whisper on the breeze that promised the sharp bite of frost. Overhead, the sky was a deep, dark midnight blue, broken by the brightness of stars overhead, which glittered with a promise of all that was to come and all that would be.

