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Callan’s brow lowered and the bridge of his nose wrinkled. “Okay, but let me go first. I can give you a hand over the more rugged sections.”

I didn’t point out that I hiked this trail two or three times a week, so I knew the place better than I knew how to get to my local grocery. But in all honesty, the scenery at the moment, the way his jeans tightened over his behind and thighs with each step, was spectacular.

I stepped down hard on my injured foot, deliberately doing anything possible to diminish my attraction to the man. Tears stung behind my eyes.Might have worked a little too well.

We continued in silence toward the observation tower. He turned occasionally, smiling each time, to grab my hand.

I let him.I’m such a pathetic flirt.

The hike to my chosen destination was only about one-quarter of a mile. After five minutes of climbing upward on the narrow trail, we emerged at the top of a meadow. Tall grasses grew along the path and wildflowers dotted the landscape. Sun rays from the patchy clouds painted streaks of golden light over the clearing. The old wooden tower glowed softly, and the clouds were just starting to be tinged pink.

“It’s really pretty up here,” Callan remarked as he walked ahead of me along the narrow path through the meadow. “I’ve never been here at this time of day. You were right. It is a great spot.”

“Naomi and I come here frequently. I don’t like to come alone, and I don’t really like to hike back after sunset, but yeah, it’s magical up here.”

Callan grunted. “I don’t like to think about you on that trail after dark. You could really hurt yourself.”

We’d reached the tower steps and I dropped my bag. “The trees are sparse enough on that section of the trail that if timed right, it’s light all the way to the parking area.” I squatted by my bag and rummaged through it for my light meter. “Um… Why don’t you climb up to about the third or fourth step there.”

Callan’s boots clanked on the mesh decking of each step. He stopped on the fourth step and turned to face me.

The setting sun colored his face and lit his eyes with an ethereal glow. I whispered, “Yeah, you’re perfect.”

He smirked then rolled his lip inward.

The man knew what he was doing to me and did fuckall to hide the fact.

I scowled. “The setting is perfect. You need to sit on that step.” I gestured to the stairs and moved closer with the light meter.

When Callan sat, he spread his knees wide and dangled his hands between them. I adjusted my setting to match the light meter and aimed the camera at him. The only noise in the meadow was the whirring of my shutter and the evening birdsong.

Callan started whistling, mimicking the trilling birds.

“Lean back. Rest your elbows on the step behind you,” I directed.

When he complied, his leather motorcycle jacket gaped open, revealing a light-gray graphic T-shirt. The picture was of a country music great, proclaiming he’d always been crazy. The material stretched taut over his well-defined pectorals.

“Oh yeah, they’re going to eat this up.”

He tipped his head, brows together. I snapped that shot. He held up a hand. “Who?”

I lowered the camera. “What?”

“Who are going to eat this up?”

“Your fans. I guarantee they’ll figure out where this observation deck is and drop everything to come visit.” I sighed with a tiny smile. “I guess I’ll have to find some other sunset spot. Gonna get super crowded here. Like Mallory Square in Key West.”

The frown between his brows eased and the skin around his eyes crinkled again. “I’ve been there. I know exactly what you’re talking about. Key West is crazy. I’ve gone deep sea fishing there with my dad.” His smile grew wider, but a thread of sadness haunted his eyes.

I aimed and clicked the shutter.That was a perfect look.

“I went once. I had a lot of fun, but I’m not a fan of crowds. And don’t get me started on Gatlinburg.” I suppress a shudder.

“There’s a lot of humanity there. I prefer the Blue Ridge Parkway. I like to ride there and hike. Beautiful drive, great trails, really fond memories.” His smile now matched his sad eyes.

“Are you okay?”

He stood and brushed a hand over the back of his jeans. “Yeah. I’m great. Just…”
