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I lifted her hand to my mouth and dropped a kiss on her knuckles. “So does this make today a true date?”

“I guess.” She grinned. “In which case, I think I deserve to know where we’re heading.” She pointed to the highway overpass that readFranklin, next ten exits.

I didn’t let go of her other hand, just wrapped my fingers around hers. If we were officially dating, I got to hold her hand any time I wanted. And I would. I wasn’t going to let go. “Canyouwait this time? We’ll be there in less than fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll wait.”

Those two simple words made my heart gallop, thumping against my sternum like the hoofbeats of a racehorse.

For the rest of the drive, Catie described the pieces she’d submitted. Carrie hadn’t forwarded them to me, which meant technically, they weren’t approved yet. But after seeing the artwork for the cover, I couldn’t think of a single reason that I wouldn’t approve the finals. Dad had reviewed the original contract for me to make sure that all artistic control resided with the artist—me. Including images and artwork. He’d thought that was very important, because my music was me. Not every newly-signed musician had ultimate approval in their contract. Typically that came later, after a musician had proved his or her worth to the label. I got lucky with my first deal. Another damn fine reason to be forever grateful to my dad. And to miss him more than ever. He’d be crazy about Catie. I just knew.

But I could also hear his voice in my head.Never rush a good thing, son. If it was meant to be, it will be.But that was immediately followed by the sensation that my dad was sitting right behind me in this truck, saying he really, really liked this woman.

I finally let go of Catie’s hand to steer into the parking lot of our destination.

Catie leaned forward to peer at the sign on the building. “Barks and Recreation?”

“Red, we’re here to rescue a dog.”

“Really?” She quickly unfastened her seat belt, grabbed her purse, and shoved the door open.

I hurried to follow her from the truck. “Really. I filled out the paperwork a while ago and got approved to adopt. But then the inspiration for the album hit, and it’s been my sole focus for weeks. Now that my part in creating it is done, I find I’m eager to move forward with a pet.”

I was hoping they’d overlook my sudden lack of attention. I could see that fact dinging me in this whole process. I mean, if I could neglect completing the steps to adopt, what would they think about my character as a pet owner? A small churn of nerves hit my gut but was eased by the smile Catie sent my way.

“Frank’s a rescue. Not from this center, of course. There’s a shelter in Pineridge I used. But I’ve heard good things about this one.” She skipped ahead of me to the main door.

I stopped to pull a large duffle bag from behind her seat then rushed after her. She practically hopped as she waited for me to catch up.

“What’s all that?” She pointed to the bag as she held the door open for me.

“Donations. I’m getting rid of some old towels and blankets. They can always use things like that.”

“Oh. I’d never thought about that. I’ll start saving mine too. Hey! Maybe I can talk Naomi into putting a bin inside her store for her customers to donate as well. She serves the most adorable pup cups whenever someone ties their dog up outside so they can get something to go. She found some adorable disposable water dishes that she could put her logo on. She keeps those outside her shop along with a dispenser so owners can water their dogs while they drink their coffee.”

“She bakes amazing cookies and is kind to animals. Is she single? I’d like to introduce James to her. I bet they’d be a great pair.”

“Um…she is single. But I think Aspen might have an objection to that idea,” she said over her shoulder as she walked to the reception desk. The muted barking of multiple dogs filled the front office.

“Wait! What?”

“Judging by what I saw in the booth, I believe Aspen has a bit of a crush on James. And the feeling might be reciprocated.”

“The devil you say!” How had I never noticed?Because you never asked, you big dummy.

I’d been so intent on my work, my life, my grief, I’d never noticed the signs that James might be pining for someone. I’d shared all my relationship woes with him, but never thought to ask about his. And James never volunteered a damn thing about his life. “What the hell kind of friend have I been?”

Catie turned sympathetic eyes toward me as she leaned on the counter and tapped the tiny bell marked ‘Ring Me’. The bell chirped close to a high C on a scale. “I bet you’ve been a great friend. Sometimes, a person wants to keep things private. Asking a ton of questions might be considered intrusive. How long have you known James?”

“A little less than a year,” I admitted. “But long enough that I should be able to identify that kind of stuff.”

She pressed a hand to my beard. “Just because you’re an open book doesn’t mean everyone else is.”


The door across from the counter opened, and the sound of dogs grew much louder.

“May I help you?” A woman wearing cargo pants with combat boots and a vintage Grand Ole Opry tee shut the door behind her and approached us. She focused on something on the other side of the counter, not really looking at us.
