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“Bad Frank. Very, very bad!”

The cat turned a superior look toward Catie, then climbed his front paws up my chest and bumped his head under my chin.

Catie reached for her pet, but I stopped her, then scratched behind the purring cat’s ears. “So this is Frank.” The cat arched his neck under my fingers and blinked his eyes at me. Ah—now I saw why his name was Frank. Ol’ Blue Eyes indeed.

Frank’s squinched-up face was a dead giveaway that he liked how my hands were moving on his scruff. He lowered to stand on all fours on my lap, then kneaded my thighs with his paws, like he was about to settle in and get really comfortable.

“Don’t let him get too cozy. He’ll never let you up, and then your plans for the day will be shot.”

“Not that I’d mind spending the day on the couch with you and Frank, but I did make some advanced arrangements.” I scooped the cat off my lap and set him on the floor. With a final pat on his head, I told him, “I’ll be back. I hope.” I lifted my gaze to Catie’s.

A lazy smile crooked her lips and mirth glittered in her eyes. “Yeah, I imagine you’ll be back.”

Unable to help myself, I leaned into her and captured her lips. A soft, seeking touch, not pressing hard, but gently nuzzling them, pleased when her mouth clung to mine. I lifted my hand to her jaw and stroked the curve with my thumb, resting my fingers on her pulse. Her skin was smooth and silky, and I wanted to explore every inch of it.

She pressed her palm to my chest, flexing her fingers into the collar of my T-shirt. I licked her lips, swallowed her sweet sigh. Then I lowered my hand to her shoulder, gave it a squeeze, and reluctantly ended the kiss.

Frank launched himself back into my lap, as if to sayhey!“Alright, big fella. Time for me to take your sweet human away. But we’ll be back.” I just hoped he liked me still once we got back with my surprise.

Catie stood up next to me and arched a brow.

“Ready?” I took her hand as I rose.

“Yep,” she grinned. “Am I going to get any clue?”

“What? And ruin the surprise?” I led her to the door.

She locked it behind us, and Frank’s face appeared through the sheer curtains on the front window. Catie blew him a kiss and Frank’s Sinatra-blue eyes stared out at us, mouth opened wide, as if ready to gobble the kiss right out of the air.

As I helped her into the passenger seat, she mock-scowled at me. “You know, it’s not nice to keep secrets.”

I rested my hand on her thigh and smirked. “You’re right, but this one will be worth it.” I used my right hand to make a X over my heart. “I promise.”

I hurried around the truck and fired the beast up.

As I backed out of the drive, Catie stroked her fingertips over the soft leather of the seats and glanced around. “So this is the kind of ride a country music sensation owns.”

“Don’t know about that, but it’s the kind of ride I’ve always owned. The kind a true country boy likes.” I dropped the truck into gear and eased away from the curb.

“I’ve seen my fair share of country-boy trucks, and yours is, shall we say, significantly more tricked out than just the average guy’s truck. Most of the guys I knew in Oklahoma barely had more than an AM radio.” Her laughter was soft and tinkling.

“You probably won’t be surprised to learn I also own a truck like that. My dad helped me buy it the year before I turned legal to drive, and then showed me how to restore it. Still runs, and I like to take it out occasionally. But never when I want to impress my girl.”

She shifted in her seat until she faced me as well as she could within the restraints of the seat belt. “In that case, mission accomplished. I’m impressed. Even more so that you think of me as your girl already.”

Worry nibbled at the base of my brain. “Is that okay? I know we’re waiting until you’ve completed your contract for the artwork. I hope I’m not jumping the gun.”

The corner of her lips quirked up. She laid her hand on my bicep. “I might have already submitted my work for review.”

“The devil you say! Now who’s keeping secrets?” I glanced away from the road, caught sight of her smile, and lost my breath. Not the ideal time for all the oxygen to get sucked out of the cab of my truck, what with trying to merge onto the highway and all.

The blare of a horn kicked me back to the present. I lifted my hand in apology as the small gray hatchback sped past me.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have distracted you,” Catie said.

“Red, just you being in my truck is a distraction.” I laid my hand over hers where it rested on the center console. “I’m thrilled you turned the extra pieces in so fast.”

“The subject was easy. Once I had approval on the cover art, the rest was just resizing and dropping the text that Carrie provided. They look good.”
