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“Ever hear of the boy named Sue?” Red asked. “Names can be deceiving.” Her whiskey-colored eyes twinkled with barely suppressed humor.

Her comment made me chuckle. My dad’s name was Thelonious. But everyone called him Theo. “Yeah, you’re right about that. Shouldn’t that dog be on a leash?”

The other woman held up a retractable tether in her clutched hand. “As I explained, we rarely meet anyone on this trail at this time of day. I like to let him run free whenever I can. Sorry, again.”

Red nodded as she slipped the leash from her friend’s hand. “Sweet Cream must know you’re a friend. Most people aren’t treated to his doggy kisses.” She patted the hound’s neck and kissed the top of his head.

The thought popped into my head that I wouldn’t mind a kiss or two from Red. What would she taste like? As quickly as the thought erupted, something else started to grow. I adjusted my stance and doused every X-rated thought dancing in my brain.

There must have been a hint of my thoughts on my face, because Red tipped her head to the side and frowned. “Okay, well, have a great hike. Come on, Naomi.”

Red led the dog away from me, down the trail I’d just ascended. After a short wave, her friend followed.

I stood rooted to the spot, listening to the fading sounds of their hiking boots on the piney trail. A lyric popped unexpectedly into my head,I’m afraid she’ll never come back. And a second lyric, in my dad’s voice followed,Then don’t let her go. I gasped at the serendipity of the lines and the music running through my brain.

In the ensuing silence, a flash of red in the trees caught my attention and the sweet melody of birdsong rang out. That brought a smile to my face. I bought into the idea that a cardinal would appear when a visitor from heaven was near. The idea that my dad might be near was a true comfort.

With a sigh and a smile, I started hiking again. The bird hopped from tree branch to tree branch, keeping me company. Maybe the redbird would make the inspiration for the song I was trying to capture come faster.

At least faster than the album image for my upcoming release.



You know how I feel about people not living up to the most minor of expectations. Dealing with some shit today. Ruined my bike ride. I know, I know! I can hear you saying “Don’t let anyone ruin your bliss, son. You’ve got this.” And you’re right.

Love you, Dad. Miss you.

“Did you see him?” Naomi was breathless, trying to keep up with me. “He was freaking beautiful. He looked familiar, too. Like I’ve seen him before. Or maybe fantasized about him before.” She giggled like a freakin’ schoolgirl.

Oh jeez.I continued at a fast clip down the trail to Naomi’s monster truck, dragging Sweet Cream with me. “He was fine.”

“Wait!” She grabbed my arm and jerked me to a halt. “Do you mean fine or finefine?”

“Just fine.” I resumed walking.

“What the hell are you talking about? Did you not take a good look at him? I mean, shit, girl! He couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

“What? That’s not true.”Was it?

My bestie snatched the leash from my hand, giving me a knowing look. “Yeah, it is. Even when Sweet Cream was mauling him, he never peeled his eyes off you. And you are not going to tell me you didn’t see how handsome he was. Dude had wavy blond hair and the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen. I’d think as agraphic artistyou would have noticed that.”

She did not just put air quotes around the words “graphic artist”. I nudged her with my shoulder as we traipsed down the trail toward the gravel lot. I’d moved sideways into her so hard her step faltered, and she muttered an obscenity at me.

“What would you call that shade of green? Jade? Agate? Oh! Let’s call it pale clover. That’s about right. Maybe a bit more gold in that shade.” She laughed, pleased with herself.

And yes, I did notice his eyes. I’d call it closer to sea-glass green. But I sure wasn’t owning that to Naomi.

“What do you think, Sweet Cream?” she addressed her dog when I refused to answer. “Does pale clover seem right? You got up close and personal with the man.” Her laugh was infectious.

I laughed along with her. “Okay, he had nice eyes. But he needed a haircut.” And she was right. He had looked a bit familiar. Maybe he just had one of those faces.

We arrived at the parking area. There was a sexy, matte-black motorcycle with sleek lines, shiny chrome, with a dark bronze helmet strapped on the cushy-looking seat. I stopped and stared at the powerful bike. It had to belong to the guy we were currently discussing. There hadn’t been anyone else on the trail, and honestly, this mode of transportation seemed perfectly suited to him. That or a big ass pickup truck, similar to Naomi’s but more…I don’t know…powerful.

Naomi wiggled her fingers, no mean feat considering she had a leash in one hand and her key fob in the other. “Yeah, but imagine running your fingers through those luxurious curls while he kisses you.”

Ah, God! The images that conjured in my mind.Me, that stranger, laying horizontal…I shooed away my thoughts. I’d thought similar things about Steve, and look how that had turned out.
