Page 16 of Wicked Knight

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“You called? I hadn’t noticed. I threw away the phone.” I shrugged. “I’m not your beck-and-call girl. Find someone else.”

“Donata.” He gripped my waist tighter. “Why do you let him touch you?”


“The Alfera boy.” He cupped my cheek and part of my neck. “From now on, Donata, and until I say so, you belong to me. No one else can touch you. No one else but me. You know why?”

I shook my head.

“Because you’re mine. I’m taking you home.”

“What? No.”

I blinked a few times, and it all came into focus. Jesus, Luca looked hot in a dark suit and a clean-shaven face. I’d never seen his eyes this close. They were so brown. It was like he could see into my soul. I braced my hand on his chest. Of course it was hard; of course it was warm and alluring. Just like Luca. Everything about him was like an invitation to jump off the cliff.

“What are you even doing here?”

“I don’t like to be ignored. I figured you needed a refresher course.”

“Don’t you dare.” I shoved him away from me, but he wrapped his arms around me, caging me against his body. This was not what I had in mind when I wished for him earlier. “Don’t.”

“Then promise me you’ll go home and do your assignment.”

“I can’t do that.”

In one swift motion, he turned me around, so my back was to him and I had a clear view of the mirror in front of me. We were in a public bathroom. Sure, there was barely any light, but anyone could walk in and see us. The last thing I wanted was for a stranger to watch me get spanked.

He reached under my short dress and slid his hand up my thigh, stopping just at the curve of my butt cheek. This time, it was exactly like in my reconstructed fantasy of last night. In the replay in my head, I could see the desire in his eyes and mine as his hand hovered over my ass.

“Will you do what I asked?”

“Bite me.”

“I can’t stand it when you beg.” Slowly, he bent down and bit my bare shoulder.

His teeth and lips on my skin were a forgotten fantasy come true. The loud smack on my ass sent a shock of adrenaline right to my clit. Suddenly, the room came into focus, and every inch of me felt alive.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why now?”

“Because I have to.”


“I know.” He spanked me again. “You’re ready. Aren’t you?”

Our gazes locked in the mirror. I should’ve read ahead. I had no idea what he was asking me to do, what I was agreeing to do for him. Luca wanted revenge. While I deserved every bit of his punishment, I couldn’t forget one important fact. For me, this was way more than a silly sex game. When it came to Luca, I had zero self-restraint. He was like a drug to me.

And while he had nothing to lose, I stood to lose it all—mainly, my heart and my soul.

“Yes,” I whispered.


Marry the Sweet Princess


Donata Salvatore has been a thorn in my side since the day we met years ago. Her obsession with me had ruined every aspect of my life. At school, I was the teacher who took advantage of his position. At home, I became my uncle’s pawn in a fucked-up game with the Society. Despite her efforts though, I had managed to lead a normal life. Or as normal as a mobster’s life could be.
