Page 17 of Wicked Knight

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I was still a Gallo, expected to do certain things, like be at Don Jimmy Gallo’s disposal. Our lives revolved around his dark moods and desires. He believed the Society owed our family more. Whatever thatmorewas, he never specified. His grievances had more to do with the fact that he had always felt like an outsider. From the beginning, the five original crime families had been four. The Gallos weaseled their way in, and since then, we’d been treated as if we didn’t belong. I didn’t mind it because I never wanted to be part of this mafia world. Uncle Jimmy, on the other hand, spent most of his time trying to figure out a way to make them hurt. If it were up to him, all the other families in the Society would be wiped out.

Thankfully, the Dons had created a sort of checks and balances within the organization to make sure people like my uncle and Michael Alfera didn’t stay in power for too long. Unfortunately, while the Dons had their hands full with Michael Alfera, my uncle slipped through the cracks. So, here I was, his beck-and-call asshole, tracking the incredibly spoiled Donata Salvatore. He believed her to be the key to his grand plan to, shocker, take over as king of the Society. The plan was always the same with him. He was old and out of touch, playing mobster like we were in some kind of a Godfather movie.

Times had changed, and Uncle Jimmy had been left behind. He just didn’t know it yet. He refused to recognize that the Society owed him and our family exactly nothing. I rubbed the side of my face. I was stuck with Donata until my uncle saw reason.

“Can I get a fresh wine glass, please?” She waved the server over.

The server nearly tripped over his own feet trying to get her the glass she’d asked for. I gritted my teeth. The way men fawned over her irritated me to no end. I drank some more while I stared at my untouched sushi. Simple tasks like eating were impossible when she was around, sucking all the oxygen from the room.

Among other things, Donata was the queen of pretend. I had just spanked her in the bathroom for flirting with the Alfera boy and for standing me up last night. And yet, here she was, sitting regally at her table and acting as if nothing had happened. I drank from my wine and smiled because I was sure that pretty ass of hers was smarting right about now. And not only that, I’d left my handprint on her.

“Where did you go?” She pouted as she spoke into her phone. “Are you serious right now?” Shaking her head, she took a big gulp of champagne.

As if she needed any more alcohol tonight. She was already drunk. And now it seemed, she was also alone. I hated seeing Enzo’s hands all over her, but taking off like that was a jerk move.


I rose to my feet. Before I had fully figured out what to do with Donata, I was already by her side. “Did the Alfera boy leave?”

“What do you care?” She glared up at me.

“I care that you’re drunk in public. And alone.” I offered her my hand. “I’m taking you home.”

“The hell you are.” She picked up her flute and took another long sip. “I haven’t finished my drink.” She pointed at the bottle of champagne in the ice bucket next to her.

“Is he coming back?”

“Doubt it.” She shrugged.

“Does he do this a lot? Take you out and then leave you hanging?” I stepped closer, fighting the urge to scoop her into my arms and take her out of here.

“He’s going through some things. Let him be.” She glanced up at me through her long eyelashes.

Before I could stop myself, my gaze shifted down to her chest and the rest of her in her tight dress. She was truly a vision. And I hated that she had dressed up and done her hair just for a night out with Enzo. I scanned the room. When the server looked our way, I waved him over.

“Ms. Salvatore is ready for the check.” I fished my wallet out of my trousers and gave him my card.

“Right away, sir.” He gave Donata another lingering glance then strode off.

“You’ve had enough bubbles for the night. Let’s go.” I offered her my hand again. When she ignored me, I gripped her elbow and brought her to her feet. “You either walk out of here with me. Or I carry you out.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” She squinted at me.

“Don’t try me, Donata.”

“Here you go, sir.” The server returned with my card and the slip for me to sign.

“Last chance.” I gave the server the signed ticket then turned to glower at Donata.

She looked around the room as if she didn’t know I was talking to her. What was her plan? To stay here and drink until she blacked out? Then what? No doubt server boy would be more than happy to take her home. Over my dead body. Jesus Christ. Donata had a way of unhinging me.

I opened my mouth to start counting to three, then stopped. Counting would only make her dig in her heels even more. I bent over and hoisted her over my shoulder. At first, she went quiet and still. Probably because she hadn’t figured out what was happening. Though the minute I stepped outside and the cold air hit her face, she let me have it.

“Are you serious right now?” She hit my back. “Put me down.”

“I told you what would happen.” I adjusted her weight while I dialed Alfred’s number. Before he picked up, I spotted him at the end of the street, getting ready to make a right.

“Was that you coming out of the restaurant?” he asked.
